Start getting used to it!

‘Age’ ain’t necessarily 3/4 of ‘sage’. Start getting used to it!

There was this fellow called Brian
who made it through six full decades
From now on no longer a lion
as his years ahead shall cascade

He’ll be peering out from under his visor
and wonder how come he’s gotten no wiser

Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented
rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

Tanned, between your toes sand

To Kim & Gary on their anniversary

What did echo in your ‘McMansion’
was the sound of over expansion

That huge ‘Starter Castle’
turned a life style nonstarter
Not worth all the hassle
so you did something smarter:

Found a richer bounty
in LA county

Happily you celebrate
anniversary on the beach
Setting sun, as winds abate
feels just right, spared all overreach

The golden sand between your toes
now how your ‘rugged hardship’ goes


Hers is such flair, beware!

To our neighbor on a birthday:

Our Yana is still (sort of) young
with mind crisp, of civilized tongue

What looks, heart, style & dare!
all exuded with such flair!

In her presence we’re left unsung

Glad to Have You Home

A Limerick on the occasion of Conner, a grandson, returning home to Sunset Hill in Seattle after serving as a paratrooper with the IDF.

There was a young man from Sunset Hill
with many talents & of strong will

As a paratrooper Conner
served IDF with honor

For now, I suspect, he’s had his fill

IDF: Israeli Defense Forces