Our ‘tinderly’ ignitable heart

Tirelessly our hapless Tongue
so recklessly wagging
Keeps hurling havoc far flung
bragging, ragging, snagging!

Our self-righteous racing Mind
contentiously nagging
How unrestrained we’ve opined
in pursuit unflagging!

Let our Hearts be more than pumps non-excitable:
The place where we live ‘tinderly’ ignitable

‘tinderly’ = interweaving ‘tinder’ with ‘tender’


Not sitting, but shifting up

Quatrain if lazily loiters
must wheeze, wobble in puncture
While when bravely reconnoiters
shall blow through any juncture

From leisurely spinning cadence
let’s shift up from latency
go cycling with verse’s maidens
with unrestrained ardency

Expressing lucid elation
if  ably so in crisp rhymes
may cause to flow a narration
stringed with ethereal chimes

In hypnotic daze to task ordained

She’s so superbly kinetic
stands ready to whack the weed
Stillness a painful emetic
she functions best at high speed

She’s perpetually Joyce
when invaded by task
never knows another choice
but in busy to bask

Takes off in a blaze
her face stern, drained
in hypnotic daze
to task ordained

Hers is always total focus
until all the effort spent
Then changes in phone booth locus
back, but briefly, to Claire Kent

-Claire Kent = superwoman in civvies, equivalent (at least) of Clark Kent

Flailing words of squawk & schlock

Mortal Socrates and Jesus Divine
left behind not a single written line

Since then many others have rather
penned in infinite profusion
Much, be it elegant, still blather
compounding human confusion

Swift, countless like birds
in shrieking flock
failing, flailing words
of squawk & schlock

Awkward sentences churning
leave us achingly yearning


Can’t take the heat? Get up & off the side walk grate!


Punishment or reward?

Life’s hilly road winds abstruse
sometimes circuitous
Of what befalls we’re obtuse
shall seem gratuitous

Perhaps fortuitously
not by divine keyboard?
Events evolve furtively
warnings often ignored

Aren’t we oddly innocent of what is untoward
as when what seemed ‘punishment’ later turns out ‘reward’?


With elegant polish Evil to demolish

Some time ago Yana, our neighbor, emailed that “in these mean dark times my energy is momentarily diverted into a self-administrated, complete pedicure. For now I’m bettering the world one shiny toenail at a time.”, which inspired this verse:

In moral grime
election slime
among war crime:
She’s right on time!

In these mean dark days
she keeps hope ablaze
cutting through the haze
our Yana allays

Items unfurled
Rosy toes curled

A pedicure
nail by nail.
No sinecure
much travail!

Got wrongs to abolish
with elegant polish
Yana standing tallish
Evil to demolish!