Poor phrases pirated, then prattled parroted

Phrases swift, glib, bouncy & cheap
cascade in bombastic profusion
pile up in bewildering heap
fueling cacophonous confusion

While the lucid sentence garroted
(amidst clamouring derision)
the cliché-like phrase pours parroted
heard as expression elysian

But who among us pays heed?
Let uptight linguists accede


That P is perpetually the victim
at any time, any situation
declares the non-negotiable dictum
inviolate line of demarcation:

First the P impatiently inspects
and condescendingly dissects
Then emphatically disaffects
and contemptuously reject

Exclaims if offered Perfection:
“A set up, attempted sting!”
triggering instant rejection:
“Don’t offer the perfect thing!”

The P never needs to be coerced
A sneeze? “Call the doctor or nurse!”
Salivating, she expects the worst
So why not just line up the hearse?

But if lined up, of course: “Wrong hearse,
wrong coffin, and who stole my purse?”

P = pitshetsh (Yiddish): chronic complainer

Rejoice, nothing is amiss!

From our body we may learn
beyond what mere words can express
what our mind may not discern:
To hold on would be to digress

Old age slips of grasp & grip
may only be appearing so
as we do not at all slip:
Just loosening & letting go

No need cower before What’s Next
just stay calm, let’s attempt unvexed!

So rejoice, nothing is amiss:
Aging is indeed the balmy breeze
soon now we’ll bridge that Great Abyss
to swing on Eternity’s trapeze

How the consummate consumer’s mind works

“I can either give you,  no strings attached,  lots of cash and introductions to interesting, fun and beautiful people.  Or arrange for some thugs to drag you behind the nearest building and beat you with a steel pipe!”

“I need some more information. What kind of a steel pipe?”

Fades life’s rosy bouquet

Withers life when nears the end
fades its rosy bouquet
What was once a stirring blend
now a sagging souffle

Sensory life squall after squall
tiring & worn from the grind
while pretenses mercifully fall
fleetingly we find peace of mind

Leaving behind the mundane
saved from banality
heading into the arcane
welcome finality!

‘Rhymatic’ fever

Have gotten too immersed
in stanza & verse
as if being coerced
Outright prose averse

Struck by rhymatic fever
meant my social death knell
Life under lifted cleaver
casts lonely outcast’s spell

Keeps fumbling the prosody
until turns tragicomedy
which fades in aprosody
until picks up in psalmody

The mere sometimes lapse or slip
or am I losing my grip?

-aprosody = (speech pathology) lack of variations in speech, such as speed, tone, and emphasis
-prosody = the study of meter and the art of versification
-psalmody = the act of singing psalms or hymns
-‘rhymatic’ fever = (license) condition that compels to express us in verse of rhyme

Sorting paper clips by color

Who might you be to berate?
Hold your holy holler!
My sorting aim simple, straight:
paper clips by color

To you perhaps a clip mere wire
cavalierly curved metal
its ingeniousness won’t inspire
or found lacking its mettle?

While to me colored paper clips
strew paths like do rose petals
May distract like succulent lips
Prove gallantry like medals

But then I, like the clips, I consent
am as well of a peculiar bent

Grinding coffee by hand

The grinder manual
a squeaking jewel
of process natural
zestful ritual

Among machines
manual is ‘end’
that fulfills ‘means’
in transcendent blend

We shall be finding
pure peace of mind
when by hand grinding
New shifts align:

Caffeinated manna
wondrously falls, wends
In pure dulciana
fragile fragrance scends

Union affable in perfect sorting control

Here’s a story that rocks
for persons with feet
who are wearing out socks
Here details replete:

Involves a old married couple
their romance erstwhile torrid
Neither bodies or minds supple
shuffling in socks un-florid

Socks not blown off any longer
but no surprise still worn through
spotted, when peeled off to launder
without alarm or ado

Her socks wear first at the toe
without an exception
while his heels the first to go
By clearest perception:

sock sorting thus infallible
merely check where’s found the hole
The couple’s union affable
in perfect sorting control


Dancing on the pedals

Give your proud legs the chance
to warm, to limber
then set out, watch them prance
in cadenced timbre

Pure pedal powering
in strongest mettle
like petals flowering
in finest fettle

Below blossoms gliding
tires spinning, scouring
boundless bounty riding
while miles devouring

Dancing away on the pedals
in purest joy mystical
beyond mere racing for medals
Living movement lyrical!

cadence = the measure of rhythmical motion; cycling: the number of revolutions of the crank per minute