Crossing over from Reality into Fantasy

Oh, with what ease it occurs
losing love of Reality
Oh, how easily line blurs
crossing over to Fantasy

Once there how to return
to facts & order
when behind bridges burn
sealing the border?

So lost in Fantasy’s hug & kiss
tempting to forget what we miss

Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented
rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

Must be a fool to believe Trump is The Lord’s Tool?

Don’t anguish or you’re a fool
just feel joyous, free of resent
do as told in Bible School
just humble yourself & lament

While if secular you’re a fool
blind to Trump the butt of steed
still hailing him as The Lord’s Tool
despite his hate, lies & greed

Someone who’ll never relent
and incapable to repent

Scurrying, why?

Raises morning’s curtain
upon sunrise infused sky
Less bemused than certain
humans get scurrying, why?

How to discern when mired in a muddle
as distant planets coldly align?
Dreams fill oceans, insight the mere puddle:
don’t expect our days warmly benign

Lowers evening’s curtain on sunset infused sky
gone forever another scurrying day, why?

May give fright even if not right

Were I to receive an insight
it may not bring my neighbor delight
but rather give him or her fright
notably if I chanced to be right

as one person’s presumed breakthrough
may show up others as cuckoo