Anchors away, hold on to the toupee!

With each & every breath
we are descending
the very stairs to death
when old: impending

Not owning a single day
our only bestowment
(while ever blooming cliche)
being each sole moment

So what? Anchors away!
Hold on to that toupee!

On looks of covers of books

Behold that fresh youthful look:
Youth’s upbeat breathless grin
crisp cover of unread book
sculptured, jutting out chin

Behold the wizened old look:
aging’s out-of-breath grin
thumbed cover of well read book
sagging skin, drooping chin

At which point cannot count on audacity
but hope for tenacity, veracity

Intertwined companions yell across canyons

Obstinacy & Aging
those two intertwined companions
with their hangups engaging
they be yelling across canyons

In perpetual dance
unyielding stays their stance

Their ingrained character flaws
refuse to step aside
whether as result or cause
leaves us worn, bleary-eyed

With Obstinacy one might try engage
while with Aging merely watch its rampage

Not invigorated, hope debilitated

At early dawn released, relieved
from limp grip of shallow sleep
coming to on planet aggrieved
facing day’s challenges steep

Not invigorated
mind, conscience shaky
hope debilitated
legs & joints achy

These days sleep since too long adulterated
each morning feeling more attenuated

Each blessed moment its own bestowment

Now’s the time to be strong minded
While the past always matters
when by flashbacks am reminded
I mustn’t drown as it splatters

Rather stretch to my boldest stance
in each new moment’s fraction
am offered yet another chance
with short time frame for action

as resolve tends to fade too fast
never known to loiter & last