Our ‘tinderly’ ignitable heart

Tirelessly our hapless Tongue
so recklessly wagging
Keeps hurling havoc far flung
bragging, ragging, snagging!

Our self-righteous racing Mind
contentiously nagging
How unrestrained we’ve opined
in pursuit unflagging!

Let our Hearts be more than pumps non-excitable:
The place where we live ‘tinderly’ ignitable

‘tinderly’ = interweaving ‘tinder’ with ‘tender’


Together, let’s take heart!

Our bodies, minds now fraying
of erstwhile bounce bereft
Our wrinkles deepened, graying
hair of what little left

Years bland or full were they deft
countless days in reprise
Dragging us by heft & theft
closer to our demise

Arrived at earthly life’s edge
we must not age apart
allow between us no wedge
Together, let’s take heart!

Our bodies, minds now fraying
of erstwhile bounce bereft
Our wrinkles deepened, graying
hair of what little left

Years bland or full were they deft
countless days in reprise
Dragging us by heft & theft
closer to our demise

Arrived at earthly life’s edge
we must not age apart
allow between us no wedge
Together, let’s take heart!

A fair chance when live flowers we’re smelling

Do we barely spare a glance
for Spring’s tender flower
while reaching enraptured trance
when we Online cower?

To seek peace in single pursuit
persevered for its own end
(be it heartrendingly minute)
ain’t that when we may transcend?

Yes, a fair chance when flowers we’re smelling
While squinting online? Case less compelling!

Who is your beef?

Images of their lives short & wretched
then slaughter’s horror for animals
indelible impressions sizzle etched
From where springs our human animus?

Aren’t we bereft of compassion
raising them as mere food ration?

Clearly meat eating replete
with daily cruelty?
Mustn’t chewing ‘factory meat’
place hearts in truancy?

Which goes for swilling dairy
if on human behalf
should we not all be wary
unless a nursing calf?

“But we like meat & dairy!” Good grief!
Won’t you grasp animals aren’t our beef?

Instead thrive on flowing wheat
lustrous, delectable
and the fresh & brimming sweet
fruit & vegetable!


My heart to dance

Her hair like flowing wheat
abundant, windswept
field fresh & earthy sweet
brimming of affect

Green eyes, cheeks in blossom
colorful splendor
smile of cheery caution
tender & slender

Since back when our first glance
my heart was brought to dance!

%) Seeking shiny ribbons

The consistently failing but still not changing U.S. foreign policy: Why don’t they ever learn?!

On the contrary! The Power Elite has learned only too well from their ‘mistakes’ & remain ever so determined to repeat them. These ‘mistakes’ feed their heady hubris and float their depraved delusions while amply providing notoriety, power, profits, careers, ribbons, pensions.

Steeped in inequality & iniquity, the Elite cannot be much bothered about the dire & deadly consequences to other people at home or abroad.

Before the tales of Gibbon
humans swung like gibbons
off to war, way quickly gone
seeking shiny ribbons

Since our Species’ dawn
man pounded chest
with taunt, flexing brawn:
“Who’s the bravest?”

The Elite gets People excited
about foreign machinations
to trust propaganda benighted:
We’re upholding laws of nations!

Though the Elite doesn’t have People’s welfare in mind
it can carry on – as we’re a cowardly kind



Smart phone seemed lost but then was found

When your phone seemed lost
prima facie
didn’t you blame, accost
going crazy?

Then found! You were returned
from despair’s deepest canyon
No longer were you spurned
by your Dearest Companion!

How you had yearned to be prompted
back in ‘phonily’ graces
charmingly enticed & wanted
held in torrid embraces!

You may find it condescending
if labeled ’smartphonistic’
though hopefully not offending
but simply sybaritic?

Now you’re back in Reality
in cool nuzzling normality!

On leaving Anten

On leaving our homestead in Anten, Sweden, inspired by Joyce’s eyes moistening over:

Parting’s cool morning thronging
with borders to be crossed
Unrequited her longing
ailed in lingering lost

The old farm an indelible part
lodged lovingly in her tender heart


Beauty of Riga

Riga straddles the mighty river
for all vitality it’ll give her.

She strides on heels stiletto
elegantly arrayed.
Drools over Rigoletto
cultured through her free trade.

Riga shows spires & beauty
from centuries of booty.

mighty river = The Daugava forms deep in Russia and flows out in to the Bay of Riga

edited 09/09/21 1805