Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented

rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

My beloved wife, a.k.a. indoor racer

On winged feet our ‘indoor racer’
with wild hair flowing, flying
trajects like gun fireworks tracer
eternally she’s plying

Upwardly, leveling stairs
utensils clattering
all with efficiency’s airs
Bystanders scattering

Smoothly she slides round corners
‘smartphonely’ connected
Past cowering bench warmers
on short cuts perfected

-bench warmers = among those her slacker husband

Affinity, so what of it?

Sally’s nose, prose & fashion
how she’s just too cloying
Frank’s political passion
ain’t he too annoying?

But bothering with affinity
surely pure prickly vanity?
Best left to saints & divinity
not fallible humanity

We shan’t change them: She’ll sally forth
while he’ll keep on thinking he’s Njorth

Njorth = (Njörðr in Norse mythology) god of the sea, winds and prosperity

One in take-off by ‘afterburner’, other watching blast-off from amen corner

With irrepressible intention
Joyce takes off for an intervention

An ever blossoming head turner
steeply she roars off from the house
as if by switched-on ‘afterburner’
Fades behind: a blown over spouse

who’ll be wobbling, gasping
in turbulent wake
from cheering, voice rasping
uncombed, stare opaque

Lost in irrelevancy’s realm
clasping pale at his flimsy helm

-afterburner = a jet engine power booster engaged to briefly increase speed
-intervention = Joyce works as an (addiction) intervention specialist

Union affable in perfect sorting control

Here’s a story that rocks
for persons with feet
who are wearing out socks
Here details replete:

Involves a old married couple
their romance erstwhile torrid
Neither bodies or minds supple
shuffling in socks un-florid

Socks not blown off any longer
but no surprise still worn through
spotted, when peeled off to launder
without alarm or ado

Her socks wear first at the toe
without an exception
while his heels the first to go
By clearest perception:

sock sorting thus infallible
merely check where’s found the hole
The couple’s union affable
in perfect sorting control


Attempting tighter stanzas

Airy verse warmly oblique
blows abaft, blows athwart
Rhyming bursts in thoughtful pique
lighthearted to cavort

Verse anxious to comport
without baring fangs
just aiming to transport
holding back harangues

Make stanzas tight
not staid or prosy
Make the tone light
but not too rosy

Set not out to sway
or to dissuade
Never try upbraid
attempt allay

Show mercy, so don’t hold forth
Have pity, make verses short

-abaft = from the stern
-athwart = right angle to the ship’s center

Unfolding petals lustrous, contrasting humans blusterous

When Spring blossom releases
with inexorable mettle
bit like coming to Jesus
amidst bursts of finest fettle?

Unfolding petals lustrous
bursting in anthesis soundless
Contrasting humans blusterous
in their nauseous noise boundless

Ethereally endowed
each staunch bantam blossom
grows eternally unbowed
fulfills presence awesome

While Nature stays in full control
mere arrogance the human role

anthesis = the flowering period of a plant, from the opening of the flower bud

Gather up Life’s full bouquet!

Why flailing in futility
when beckons the other way:
Of living in tranquility
not succumb to racking fray

Why persevere in mimicry
when beckons the other way:
To live in authenticity
not just in escapist play

Why upbraid in ubiquity
when beckons the other way:
Living in equanimity
gathers up Life’s full bouquet

Late Summer rain

Late summer rain
in moonlit night
Flawless quatrain
kindly polite

Lightly splatters
agony smoothed
Softly patters
restive hearts soothed

Flows off eaves
warm gently mild
Drips off leaves
in shades beguiled



Daybreak birds of searching screeches
as bleak sunlight softly infuses
soaring beyond treetops’ reaches
eager flock, the new day beseeches

Where night & day intersect
her head, arm lightly rest
as nature, humans affect
on his warm, heaving chest

Not for long: Trust human’s stubborn devotion
harmony to squelch in jarring commotion