From first until last glance

You’re loving effulgence
in Life’s wondrous dance
abounding indulgence
of sweet happenstance

You’re my life’s five star menu
served up in senescence
For me wobbly the venue
outside your dear presence

From  our youthful romance
until, soon, our last glance

Watch me, Mom!


Baby Anton Oct 2013 in his stroller with Eric leaning over

Anton, aged one, seated in his elaborate stroller and Eric, his old neighbor & ground crew, meet for a morning chat, while Anton reflects:

Mom, Mom watch, watch me, Mom
handsome, unruffled.
Staying serenely calm
by binky muffled.

Mom, Mom watch, watch me, Mom
in my spacecraft seat.
With greatest of aplomb
hovering off street.

So cool by console, at controls
by all adult doubt unfazed.
Topping the baby pilot polls
my many enemies dazed.

But it can’t be a breeze
for my poor ground crew.
Eric leaning in askew
on his aging knees?

We’re two gregarious chaps
who banter when we meet
sporting similar slick caps:
The neighborhood elite.

(p.s. Mom:)
Admirers all keep rushing
squeaky voices gushing.
How do I avoid blushing?
Celeb’s role bit crushing.


Thrives between boulders, behold her!

A tree will grow
almost anywhere
perfectly slow.
Of what, whom aware?

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We cannot you or me
thrive between boulders.
Lacking unlike the tree
patience, behold hers!

By Nature’s fashion bedight
chilled or damp shade endures
as well in blinding sunlight
stoically inures.

Imperceptibly stretches
the tree shall persevere.
On faintest skyline etches
foliage crystal clear.

While trees shiver in still silence
humans rage in chain saw violence.

Find a woman hard for you to match!

A father’s advice to his son of marrying age

Whether a ‘lounging’ heiress
find one with spiritual depth
or an ‘on feet’ hairdresser
Insist on sweet soul, mind of breadth

(Not, if newly, a divorcee
or a just released parolee)

One shapely with good looks:
A compelling muse
one who adeptly cooks
doesn’t watch tv news

A woman hard for you to match
and one not too easy to catch


Ellie elicits elation

We’re told that granddaughter Ellie, on a NYC field trip, craved tasting a ‘real’ bagel. While waiting in line (snaking half-around-the-block) to Katz’s Deli she ‘elliequently’ burst out: “Is this place any good?”

“Did she sweetly get nervous
fearing that the long wait
was just due to slow service
not bagels being great?”

The other year Ellie visited the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and is said to have made this ‘ellitist’ remark:

“Well, it’s wholly holy
but of modest scale
in height rising lowly
but go ahead: wail!

So that’s all:
an old wall?”

On the same NYC trip as when Ellie snaked around Katz’s she also visited Wall Street, and perhaps congruently she reflected:

“Be it where they scam & cheat
where displaying grim gall:
Just another city street
lacking parking. That’s all!”

She’s the Katz’s meow!
O Bella, ciao!


Gushing feelgood rush

Splendidly gallop our horses
below glimmer of sabers
in bravely fought lost good causes
thus found stillborn our labors

While briefly providing
gushing feelgood rush
way too soon subsiding
that compelling crush

Thusly often runs the course
of many a ‘noble’ cause

Tire squealing through cream cake plethora

Although driving pandemic
by the global tellurian
compellingly endemic
along the coast Ligurian.

High pitched its roar
Panda 4×4.
Shifter on floor
road hugging rapport.

Tire squealing curves vertiginous
wind through hilly cream cake plethora.
Binge worth cake shops indigenous
caloric boxes of pandora.

A swift driving stalk
brings a sweet cake walk.

-cake shop = in Volterra
-Panda 4×4 =×4
-tellurian = of or inhabiting the earth
-Volterra =

On my grand daughters high school graduations 2018

Movements lithely flowing
cheerful their sincerity
Complexion, hope glowing
infused by hilarity

They bring about deep affection
finding foothold on their path
in youth’s but fleeting perfection
shielded so far from Life’s wrath

Viewed from the perch of aging
found so deeply engaging

Enduring white flowers

Flowers tiny

Flowers tiny

Cushy carpets of tiny flowers are growing in our Spring backyard:

In simplicity arrayed
white & green colors cascade
clarions’s clarity

Swaying in pendulum play
with Springtime’s chilly breeze
Dancing precision ballet
harmonious their ease

Each flower a mere sliver
petals in slightest shiver

edited 09/13/22 2100