Knows a Seattle pluviophile
how its drizzle used to beguile
But by now it has gone in exile
these days instead downpours awhile
Memories linger longingly tender
of the long gone drizzle’s subtle splendor
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Knows a Seattle pluviophile
how its drizzle used to beguile
But by now it has gone in exile
these days instead downpours awhile
Memories linger longingly tender
of the long gone drizzle’s subtle splendor
did fate present him with a soul mate?
but his heart a Wheel of Ferris
instead he flew off to Paris
are rapturous flings but his grim fate?
Process never mysterious:
Elite’s manners once imperious
power keeps them delirious
while turns deadly deleterious
Whatever injustices the People decry
the Elite shall then dismissively justify
Even when finding
pavement coarse
and street lights blinding
on Life’s course
might as well let it run it’s course
as not much we can change, of course
Denial hard coated
invariably fractious
obstinately bloated
fallacious, fast & factious
Might ‘work’ within the rare moment
while a dubious bestowment
Does each of us think we know best
(though disclaimed in false humility)
though at Human Nature’s behest
ours merely purloined agility?
And if only one knows best
where does it leave us the rest?
Conversations smooth bubbles
shall easily puncture
burst on to fallow stubbles
at most awkward juncture
All while crashing comity’s concourse
rarely appears engender remorse?
While family, loving spouses
may guard facts protectively
Others like lawmaker ‘louses’
evade them electively
Aren’t we when using facts deceptively
living in our lives imperceptively?
How not to cringe
at ‘lawmakers’ fringed
How Tories binge
in fantasy hinged
In their bungling chorus
some still spound like Boris!
Boris Johnson: the former UK prime minister
Most virtue-signaling flags
been hauled down came autumn
Those still up flutter like rags
bleached, frayed top & bottom
Let’s hope they still our conscience nags
those fighting flags with their hashtags