A life un-examined

Socrates suggested that “the un-examined life is not worth living.” That was then, and it still ain’t. And here is how now:

She: “Recently been thinking a little about the Meaning of Life …”
He: “Honey, why we don’t we google it?”

Boundless affinity for distraction
in vain attempts to handle it all
knee jerks to superficial attraction
one click away or found at the mall

But to lessen Life’s steady pains
must we not all squarely face
how helplessly our vigor drains
caught in Reckoning’s stern gaze?

while our lives us increasingly perplex
by hi-tech growing evermore complex

Affinity, so what of it?

Sally’s nose, prose & fashion
how she’s just too cloying
Frank’s political passion
ain’t he too annoying?

But bothering with affinity
surely pure prickly vanity?
Best left to saints & divinity
not fallible humanity

We shan’t change them: She’ll sally forth
while he’ll keep on thinking he’s Njorth

Njorth = (Njörðr in Norse mythology) god of the sea, winds and prosperity

Of diets & workouts loath

Some 50 percent  of U.S. dogs and cats are now overweight or obese shows a recent study conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention. But dogs and cats do have some catching up to do. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that the percentage of human adults age 20 years and over who are overweight, including obesity, now stands at 69.2 percent (2009-2010)

On their chomping paths unswerving
lazy pets & owners self-coddling
plumb bodies waddle, out-curving
in ‘putting on weight’ role modeling

Hey humans, wheezing, grasping:
“Eat less, walk & don’t kvetch!”
Hey pets, out of breath gasping:
“Get up, out, run & fetch!”

Clearly pet & owner both
of diet & workouts loath

On planet frayed our children betrayed

Splurging on carbon speeds global warming
in solipsistic cupidity
Indignantly we waive off all warning
thrashing in torrid acridity

Earth’s plight worsens with rapidity
as we hide behind denial’s fig leaf
most arguments mired in quiddity
While turpitude bolsters beyond belief

… as we indulge & betray
what our children can’t defray

Swam only where shallow

By diffidence tormented
midst misgivings flurried
Absence of peace lamented
for own comfort worried

In life he turned ‘marshmallowed’
swam only where shallow
In cowardice had wallowed
thus aged while still callow

While guilty of many a faux pas
so at least he doesn’t expect applause

Sunset in Fall

Fades away the day meekly
sun rays reflect but bleakly

Amidst cold streaking clouds
on Fall-flattened curve
in sky’s metallic shrouds
sets sun with reserve

Its rays turn opaque
sun sinks to rest
Leaving a chilled wake
in West Southwest

Online joy fades dysphoric

Set upon by darkening squall
in deep, murky waters we trawl

Keyboards clatteringly tapped
without effort or strain
Human memory lapped, gapped
does save time, while lulls brain

By smart devices electronic
bodies slumping catatonic
Instant searches counter-mnemonic
in tasks often histrionic:

Netting but victories Pyrrhic
as online joy fades dysphoric

Leaves piling on Autumn rides beguiling

Past thinning trees ablaze
on roads wetly glaced
In sunlit lukewarm haze
hills pumpingly paced

Slim tires splashing
through leaves stockpiling
Cyclists dashing
on rides beguiling

Linger the last Autumn days
lustrous, crisply tender
Under Winter’s furtive gaze
fades Fall’s cerise splendor

pumpingly = as in pedaling hard, i.e. ‘pumping’ the pedals


Flyacious flight in Fall

They used to all together
peskily be swarming
flew in all sorts of weather
as well farm ‘barn storming’

Now one buzzes alone
feebly, risking stall
by cold, shifting winds blown:
The Last Fly of Fall

Flight pattern erratic
dropped altitude
traumatic, near static
down on attitude

Hark jarring vibration!
Horror! Airspeed drops!
Fatal vacillation!
Tail spin, then fly flops!

It has crashed, feet in air:
its worn wings wrinkled
lit emergency flare
shows fly parts sprinkled

A fly whom the Gods love dives young
still vivacious, hellacious!
Those who fly too long live unsung:
turn loquacious, vexatious!