Knowing how to but less so why & where to?

Of practical tasks at hand
we’re deftly discerning
thus in impressive command
we keep right on churning

Humans clever on ‘how to’
while on ‘wherefore’ muddled
thus we’re careening askew
solidly befuddled

Soon to become an extirpated race
due to our endless greed & frantic pace

Got GPS in our cars so who needs heavenly stars?

Scarab beetles, unsung
fashion nifty balls
roll swiftly home the dung
on star-guided crawls

No need or reason, none at all
got GPS in our cars
for humans to roll any ball
guided by heavenly stars

Like human greed propels
depletion & pollution
our hubris ever swells
assuring retribution

The beetle may still roll its ball
when humans lack clean water
frantic we’ll trash about & crawl
seas rising, climate hotter

Scarab beetle:

Is impatience the slave to a mind scattered?

Though abundance never suffices
its pursuit seems never to cease
The allure still prods & entices
despite only restraint grants peace

The self’s ceaseless rebellion
rules in full out attack
The ego is the hellion
playing up to the claque

Impatience seems the slave
to the mind scattered
chases us to the grave
as lives blown tattered

An old tree grows outside an old man’s house

Saplings needn’t travel the world
they grew in place & peace
while men in youth’s folly whirled
in impatient caprice

Tree and man now old, flagging:
while thick foliage, man’s hair thin
Both bent & sorely sagging
tree still a tree, man mere has-been

Do tell why pursue & rush around
when at perfect peace in our own ground?


At last call to roar he staggers ahead full bore

His life’s edging catastrophic:
Seldom hoisted a trophy
Spouted but faux philosophic
Wrote no endearing strophe

Field of ‘talents’ left too long fallow
guts now weak, motivation shallow

Still calls for resuscitation
tries stagger ahead full bore!
No time for procrastination
tries charge with a last gasp roar:

As better a bullet in one’s heart
than fleeing and shot in one’s rear part!

Dropped anchor without rancor

Of rosy hued vigor drained
off course veered, dropped anchor
‘Just’ causes no longer feigned
subsided rush, rancor

Hearing himself he cringes
pompous in the arcane
Laboring on the fringes
struggling with the mundane

No longer plagued in the throes
of fables lastly shorn
About nothing much he crows
gray, worn – but not forlorn

Muscovite turned Costcoite

She left ’Solidarity Among Workers’
of Russian People generous and tough
joined here ‘Me-First Apolitical Shirkers’
eager devour abundant, gleaming stuff

Yana’s road steep, long & hard
on feet, bags & credit card

Ever since setting that noble goal
of Costcoite she’s persisted
been excelling in her newfound role
quick, astute, shrewd & tightfisted

-Costcoite: an ace category shopper at Costco
-Muscovite = in this case our neighbor Yana, formerly of Moscow, where her giggles still echoe in its abandoned streets

We rush each new day into the same old fray

We’re jumping into the fray
to injure, use up, jaw
As dawns yet another day
we elbow, step on, claw

One more eight billion people raid
bodies bouncing, minds racing
joy, beauty & sanity fade
never mind what we’re facing:

Species die, forests crumble
all brought down way too fast
Glaciers melt, earthquakes rumble
How long can humans last?

Even so we claim this assault
(as we primp for each next day)
is “no way our doing or fault
so let’s get back in the fray!”

-eight billion = here: the planet’s approx human population

We keep making the inappropriate pass

Drilling by heedless fracking
oil is pumped emetic
keeps refineries cracking
in a race frenetic

Now, not until 2030
spills and plastic clog our gills
Earth’s water supply fouled dirty
leaves us sipping noxious spills

Now, not only by 2080
in climate catastrophe rife
comeuppance merciless & weighty
Humans left to horrific strife

Unreflective on how affronts amass:
Hubristic Humanity so crass
keeps making the inappropriate pass
Mother Earth is a virtuous lass

-2030 = read: twentythirty

Spare me the natter over hors d’oeuvres platter

Fumbling yet another glass
over hors d’oeuvre platter
spouting platitudes in mass
Spare me such void natter!

Such vain, self absorbed rattle
in verbiage feckless
midst milling about cattle
dressed in tie & necklace

Voices shrill, blaring
breathlessly ‘reporting’
onslaught unsparing

How did we turn admass?
Why so untoward
when a subject impasse
brings silence awkward?

Time’s up, we may leave
just smile & swoon
Hardly cause to grieve
bye, until soon!

-‘reporting’ = here: boorishly droning on about one’s own most mundane doings