
Her searching glances sweep the room like a lighthouse beam sweeps the dark sea. Precariously contained in a dress much like the walls of a brimming vessel, she is abundant life incarnate. Her long, cast back, blonde hair flows like a ripe wheat field in a fair breeze. Her lightheartedness belies her single minded determination to plumb the depths of every admirer’s promise, courage and enterprise.

She’s wrapped in haute couture
a mere distractive detour
as with purloined demure
she’s all exigent allure

So if you can’t withstand seduction
your fallback may be harm reduction

-harm reduction = a public health strategy that was developed initially for adults for whom additction abstinence does not seem feasible

Stirring up excess, we make a mess

We persist by push & aggress
may advance using cold guile.
We stir up excess, make a mess
crest our material pile.

At last, alas! We thought: Success!
We’re ‘uniquely’ distinguished
but pray tell who did we impress?
Soon we’ll all be extinguished.

Nonetheless not letting up, roiled in strife
Too busy hiding out in daily Life.

My beloved wife, a.k.a. indoor racer

On winged feet our ‘indoor racer’
with wild hair flowing, flying
trajects like gun fireworks tracer
eternally she’s plying

Upwardly, leveling stairs
utensils clattering
all with efficiency’s airs
Bystanders scattering

Smoothly she slides round corners
‘smartphonely’ connected
Past cowering bench warmers
on short cuts perfected

-bench warmers = among those her slacker husband

Not much left to heft

Trashing the planet while we can
ain’t hardly plunder or theft!
With so little remaining, man
not very much left to heft!

No way, not just my opinion
it ain’t me, just take a look:
The Bible commands ‘dominion’
long since read such good a book

Prefer to float on own cloud nine
spouting TV show humor
insisting on rights which are mine
as consummate consumer!

dominion = Psalms 8:6-8

Ain’t sweating words’ meaning for fools?

Are words only something we say
(while of use when pray or prey)
often a chatter game, a play
of silly flatter or flay?

Ain’t sweating meaning for fools
and hassle use dictionary?
Words need not be meaning’s mules
No! to word constabulary!

But words still prove useful tools
when needing to allay
or leading gullible fools
on to a path, astray

Although phrases may stray
do gather up a bouquet
when attempting to sway
someone to love or to pay!


Pseudoscience dalliance shows up in The Feds’ mantic Wall Street misalliance

Haughty members officiate
in lofty paneled splendor
Each looking the initiate
though who knows mere pretender?

They bow down to Holy Economy
while in pseudoscience dalliance
suspiciously bit like astrology
in mantic Wall Street misalliance

With technocratic virtuosity
interprets the arcane, complaisant
with ceremonious pomposity
befitting Elite turned complacent

Of social justice little said
by those bailed out Capitalist banks
or of folks hanging by a thread
in desperation-filled serf-like ranks

While The Fed & other Elite conspire
to keep people down in debt-ridden mire

-Fed = here: The Federal Reserve Bank. The ‘Central Bank’ of the United States & globally which claims to be independent while owned by banking interests

Beethoven’s 9th

Lifted beyond mind & heart distraught
Unshackled from self insignificant
Saved from lonely fear & scattered thought
Freed from mortal body recalcitrant

Passion’s waves crash on to eternity’s shore
from turmoil, anger & of guilt relieved
Briefly we rest in immortality’s core
not absolved, momentarily reprieved

While only the most clueless among nerds
dare describe Beethoven’s music with words …

Conformist salutes: Then & now

In the early 1920’s through mid 40’s era:

Arm straight at 45 degrees, empty palm down, with jaw jutted upward aligned with arm. Transfixed on Il Duce or Der Fuhrer. Practiced by tens of millions, saluting those fascist unsavory squirts in their black or brown shirts, who stirred up the desperate masses.

In our current era:

Around 90 degrees between upper and lower arm, palm up,
hand slightly rotated inward, head slightly turned with jaw tilted downward.
Transfixed on The Screen. Practiced by billions of distracted, desperate masses some of whom may spend a significant portion of their income on their smarter-than-them phones, which further enrich huge corporations:

“Being stuck on Fantasy’s Screen
like Narcissus focused on his bod
blind to how they fervidly preen
twittering away in ‘nose glued’ plod

So come on, try a detached look:
boorish, self centered banality
living life liking on Facebook
substituting for Reality

In both eras: poses thought beyond cool
Unless one were a ‘nonconformist fool’”

-Il Duce = Benito Mussolini, ruler of Fascist Italy 1922-43
-Der Fuhrer = Adolf Hitler, ruler of Fascist Germany 1934-45

Yeah but, I agonized in the fray

“Strip away the trivial and the banal, the empty chatter and foolish obsessions that fill our days” – Chris Hedges

Indulging each bagatelle
welcoming every distraction?
In our games of show-and-tell
we lack reality traction

Why not live to be able to say
when catches us the Grim Reaper:
‘At least I agonized in the fray
make sure to tell the Gate Keeper!’

Rather in ungainly Reality struggle
than vainly in Fantasy trying to snuggle