Din of dim dinner

An exercise in civility?
No, we opt for instant reprieve
devolves in wordy futility
from ‘Holy’ takes decisive leave

Yield to that gut surging pull
again cheaply thrilling
to chomp beyond feeling full
of slumming in swilling?

In what lies the attraction
of gorging & natter
of shattering distraction
din of verbal clatter?


California beach town

Through 4-way stops
flashy cars glide by
past cutesy shops
Below happy sky:

Honk, honk
check my new wheels
clonk, clonk
watch my new heels

Bodies fit or sagging
Kids dragging, lagging
Spouses hugging, nagging
Machos swag, bragging

Watch both bouncing soft belly guts
& perfect bodies with boards
stepping out from their daily ruts
the beach culture’s serfs & lords

While lacking existential traction
dwell fleetingly in rhapsody!
Beyond ‘daily grind’ satisfaction
what fun albeit fantasy!

Us cansters curbside (in own words)

On Fridays before dawn
us cans are back at the curb
on the strip by the lawn:
A recycling cheering blurb

Listening for the garbage truck
while we’re bulging overfilled
how exciting, again in luck
now on our street, we’re all thrilled!

We get lifted, shook, tumbled
our bearings & loads lost
Elated, swiftly jumbled
back on to the curb tossed

Lids left open, gaping
happens every week
There is no escaping
recycling’s mystique!

canster = a can being a member of a recycling ‘blurb’

Fulfillment finally

Been rotating with agility
while precisely ‘hanging in there’
in serviceable docility
next to gurgling porcelain chair

Squeezable white roll flowingly gowned
personality tightly bound
gradually becoming unwound:
Can’t handle one more flushing sound!

Then after no more sheets to be ripped
lost in predicament mirthless:
Tossed away naked to the core, stripped
abandoned, overlooked, worthless

But behold! By a tiny child found
the roll’s core now joyfully blown
Dreams of fulfillment finally crowned:
Roll reborn as gleaming trombone!


Life’s unrivaled antic

Up the rose strewn trail scented

rushes the frantic fool
dizzy, common sense dented
like a kid out of school

We’re unfazed
hasty, dazed
our eyes glazed
all sense razed

Aroused to love romantic
what thrilling perception
our life’s unrivaled antic
of passion, deception

A game by a Creator ‘demented’
assures new generations tormented

Knees OK?

Thanks but, they’re mere hinges
Worse though is my mind
bumping on the fringes
To some: too opined

Were it only mind & knees
what a gentle, kindly breeze!

But Life is howlingly intractable
careens oddly, nefariously
Life’s play is but tenuously actable
although sometimes hilariously

Wall Street vs Main Street

Concurring with Henry Giroux that:

” … what emerges is a savage form of casino capitalism along with an
army of walking dead zombies who celebrate a narcissistic
hyper-individualism that radiates a near sociopathic lack of interest in
other people and civic life.”

inspired this verse:

While Wall Street ‘prophets’
in system degrading
make windfall profits
on pension fund raiding

We let us be manipulated
to trudge on own ‘Google coned’ day
us zombies get humiliated
as too much piled up in our way

Palpable the diagnosis:
A one-sided symbiosis!


They talk about, talk, talk about & talk
boorishly self absorbed trivia
whether they drive, shop, do rest room & walk
wherever & in Bolivia

Unfazed they are letting it all hang out
where may quietness be found at all?
Excitedly they gush, prattle & spout
letting us overhear every call

Listening less than talking & talking
puzzled by the outside objection
whether they’re eating, sleeping or stalking
love that ring or ting: Got connection!

‘smartphony’ = someone who traded his or her pacifier (a gateway drug) for a smart phone, and being under the illusion that it bestows unique importance & efficiency with few, if any, trade-offs

Self-exiled in banality

Our attention constantly battered
self exiled in banality
Our senses confounded & scattered
as we forsake Reality

Suction cup noses on screen
absorbed, infatuated
as we adoringly preen
haven’t we got debilitated!

Even so many a fool
finding it all oh so cool!


Privacy’s goose is cooked

They watch us picking our nose
in our homes, from outer space
when busy or just wiggling toes
without them leaving a trace

Surveillance is rarely benign
when able tighten our noose
our freedoms, influence decline
Cooked right now: Privacy’s goose

Never again shall our goose flap its wings
never mind how eternally hope springs