Turmoil at 3 a.m.

At night phantasmagorias churning
suppress one, others proliferate
Fitfully asleep tossing & turning
worries pack punches, regurgitate

The petty & inane astound
like stuck inside a theme park
By heels, face down on grimy ground
dragged around in fog & dark

At last: Morning’s first light gets me reprieved
awake, sweat drenched, elated and relieved

Ignominy of the consumer economy

Why don’t we even begin to care
when stumbling around on rubble?
We cannot of action be aware
while mired in fantasy’s bubble!

Why is it our unstoppable quest
while the planet keeps on fading
to soil our irreplaceable nest
and to still keep right on raiding?

Such is the ubiquitous ignominy
of the hapless consumer economy

My body, the glove?

My aging body aches & creaks
as does Creation, what’s new?
Feeble eyes catch but blurry peeks
Soon I’ll be out of here, phew!

What if my body is but mere glove
of That Eternal Self High Above?

Losing subtlety, jest and flirtation

Consumer electronics, what impatience
be they alarms, smart phones, pads or scanners!
Where went subtlety, flirtation, elation
as well courtesy, humor & manners?

Outpouring in relentless profusion
steeped in undiscerning commotion
Suspended in a Land of Illusion
pounding away in self promotion

High time now to disengage with forethought
as fear being changed in to a robot!

Life’s been throbbing all along …

Wondering as morning light fades in:
“Did I get the starting time wrong
time soon for my Real Life to begin?”
Well, it’s been throbbing all along

Was a mailed engraved invite expected?
If you’re Twitter or motion-activated
take a deep breath, try ‘inner directed’!
Because ‘taking charge’ can’t be delegated

If of change you keenly aspire
act now! Your life may soon expire …


Movement fills every moment

Small boys & girls darting on bikes
untiringly they explore
in streets, trekking on backyard hikes
“Watch me! watch me!”, they implore

Hover their ‘hood tiny voices’
Each moment full of movement
in Summer’s endless play choices
Movement fills every moment

Fully one with the moment
Life’s ultimate bestowment

A raw deal

When my spouse was enthusiastically on a raw food diet:


After peeling
with feeling
not done chopping
til dropping

Yes! resoundingly to: drying
No! abhorrently to: frying

Raised overhead her clenched paw
when serves another meal
Joyce to the world: “All go raw!”
She’s got you a raw deal!

-go raw = here: a raw, i.e. uncooked diet

I’m indulging Life with cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Rushing is so much fresh fun
as ‘my sweet life’ has just started
must have a great rat race run
for which I’ll fight lionhearted

Life ought not ask anything from me
exect to enjoy indulging!
Just love staying busy, can’t you see
cupboards, debt & midriff bulging

Out of breath, speech smattered
need to somehow find more time!
Heart & mind all scattered
got no time to waste on rhyme!

Portrait that rankles

When twenty with insolent surety
did he dance on impunity’s floor
At forty untouched by maturity
At eighty wondering: What’s in store?

Rigidity gels primmer
Slender skills keep slimming
Gruesome prospects grow grimmer
Short term recall dimming

His a portrait that rankles
clownish in aging’s rust
Slogging up to the ankles
in Life’s circus sawdust

While squandering social security
in self-obfuscating obscurity

Poor phrases pirated, then prattled parroted

Phrases swift, glib, bouncy & cheap
cascade in bombastic profusion
pile up in bewildering heap
fueling cacophonous confusion

While the lucid sentence garroted
(amidst clamouring derision)
the cliché-like phrase pours parroted
heard as expression elysian

But who among us pays heed?
Let uptight linguists accede