Sweet crush on rush

Got a sweet crush
on robust rush?

The activity junkie
moved by proclivity
ever foraging, spunky
in reactivity

Must keep up the constant clanking
as quiet locomotion
found infinitely more rankling
than noisiest commotion

and stopping to catch one’s breath
would surely be to risk death!

Making it up with makeup

Sleep’s traces much remain
as she rubs her eyes
Awake, alive again
stretch, time to arise!

Out from rumbled sheets crinkly
vision blurred, tussled hair
Ears red, cheeks & nose wrinkly
her voice muffled, face bare

From ‘looks in bed’ to beauty table
embracing cosmetology
From what’s natural on to fable
hardly ‘in depth’ psychology:

Largely by convention hustled
leads us worshiping in line
by glitzy marketing muscled
to mere Skin Deep Beauty’s Shrine


Lounging in inanity or daring redeem humanity?

Your demands way gratuitous
so won’t change our behavior!
So ain’t it just fortuitous
Hi-Tech shall be our Savior!

Our likes are inviolable
so let change happen ‘out there’!
Our habits not abdicable
thus change cannot happen ‘here’!

We don’t care if action may redeem humanity
distracted we’ve lost traction mired in inanity

Cowardly disingenuous

Tranquil lakes caressed by playful breeze
below the surface: Stagnation
While waves chase waives across open seas
below: Acidification

Flora, fauna, nature looted
garbage, debris & tailings piling
land, streams, lakes & seas polluted
while spindoctors spred memes beguiling

Heat waves rolling, parched by drought
groundwater depleting
This we have all brought about
and keep right on cheating …

… our children, their future gone
with nowhere left to turn
Our species now clearly done
left but to churn & yearn

Why are we so cowardly disingenuous
ain’t the challenge worthy of action strenuous?!

Nyåret 2018: Kan vi ändra kurs?

År Tvåtusenarton
nu på nyårsmorgon
till beskådande:

Hur vi förbrukar
Hur vi missbrukar
så grälsjuka

Bland stora brister
samt med själviska hyss
med grymma tvister
som skylles på en ryss

Men måste vi fortsätta
att erbarmligt leva
finna oss i det orätta?
Kanske går att reva

Men pass på! Bommen kan alltför lätt svänga
å varje kursändrande skalle dänga!

but fleetingly we stand on Life’s precarious stage

Why let days blur by in caprice
like, glimpsed through train windows, power poles?
There’s only in the moment peace
for our harried hearts & arid souls

Whether dawns again the morrow
or fades yet another day
lets relish joy amidst sorrow
Or tell me another way?

I’d maintain living in The Moment
is Humanity’s best bestowment …

Entrails twisted by Regret’s Blade

When young he hid out in the shadows of life
only in shallowest waters he’d wade
Reluctant to engage Life’s beauty & strife
rarely testing whether would make the grade

Pedaled quietly head down
flaunted Life’s ‘how & why’
with a ‘look am busy!’ frown
hoping just to glide by …

His Earthly Welcome now overstayed
turned old, cold, bowed, slowed, frayed & staid
His entrails twisted by ‘regret’s blade’
The ‘grave digger’ fingers his spade

A geezer mildly fearful of Hades
long time now since in his modest heydays



Before tomatoes sent flying

With aging it may prove opportune
willingly to depart the stage
with dignity to face our ‘high noon’
turn the age appropriate page?

Better renounce the charade
before boos & whistle
All performances shall fade
fidgety crowds bristle

Rather leaving still carried by cheers
spared humiliation, crying
if having been thrown out on our ears
midst rotten tomatoes flying

Step aside, pointless to feign
time to bring out the champagne!

-high noon = here: facing something unavoidable if we aspire to some measure of courage & integrity; title of 1952 film

Life’s precious china cracked

We grin while from all sides beset
gleaming gadgets stock-piling
slogging in usurious debt
but offers so beguiling!

When jokes rarely hilarious
what remains entertaining?
In crowds we fake gregarious
Clarity of thought waning

Jaded discouragement reigning
fizzled our aspirations
Interest, engagement feigning
parched by drought our flirtations

Energy too quickly drained
Events uninspiring
Faculties eerily strained
Even sleep turned tiring

Taste blandly the same most meals
Phone & computer hacked
Distracted by doltish deals
Life’s precious china cracked

So, would it not be overdue
to leave Life’s ‘silly season’
where way too much has gone askew
and instead pursue reason?

No shelter from Life’s welter

Life, o so bright and carefree
when nibbling sweets dainty
at mannered afternoon tea
sipped with persons fainty

But when living shallowly
our yearnings end up quenched
leaving us stuck callowly
From Life’s game we’ll be benched

There is simply no shelter
from Life’s worries & welter