Our poor Earth worn
since long turn leery
from too much scorn
by humans dreary
Sure looking up?
Nary hope
we’re in pileup
you dim dope!
So do look ahead
to soon dropping dead!
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Our poor Earth worn
since long turn leery
from too much scorn
by humans dreary
Sure looking up?
Nary hope
we’re in pileup
you dim dope!
So do look ahead
to soon dropping dead!
Aren’t we under the illusion
that we’re running our own show
carried on with much effusion
presuming only we know?
We’re sitting in the cockpit
but not at the controls!
So best forget about it
there exist no loopholes
Us humans eagerly claim to have a ‘free will’
while getting nowhere on Universe’s treadmill
Mångt blitt vrångt
Livet, vet hut!
Gått för långt
Nog nu, ta slut!
Nätet knökat med strunt
Barn å hund korpulenta
Tankeutbyte grunt
Kändisar dekadenta
Likväl alltid opportunt
att öka sin sedelbunt!
Aren’t we callow
lacking mature breadth?
Even shallow
while pretending depth?
But no need be concerned
as in these times who’d listen:
Haven’t most of us adjourned
to Self-Absorption’s Prison?
Reducing each other to appurtenant
make others’ concerns at best impertinent
-appurtenant = relating to something that is added but is not essential
-breadth = an ability to address a broad range of issues
How do such s**t hole nations
scrounge up their silly gall
at their poor, lowly stations
to carry on & bawl?
They’re deemed easily exterminable
despairing of survival choices
while Empire’s clamor interminable
in raucous warmongering voices
Claim feverish minds conceptional
perpetually so in vogue:
“U.S. Nation is Exceptional!”
While it’s Herself who’s going rogue
In the end Empire turns effete
and cruelly goes astray
beats a long overdue retreat
hits cataclysm, fades away
Until such time keeps up Her harsh harangue
on Moscow, Tehran, Beijing & Pyongyang
-going rogue = here: a state that does not respect international laws, treaties and agreements, and engages in unprovoked indiscriminate warfare
-s**t hole nations = quote by Trump
Blir väl oftast att småprata
om tidsfördriv å senaste grej?
Av annat blev vi för lata
gömmer oss helst i genant ståhej
Men för upp klimatförsämring
bland livets stora frågor
å hopp om samhällsförändring:
då blåser upp chockvågor!
Fast en del synes bekymrade
andra rentav indignerade
Vaknade med torr mun
efter natt sömnlös
Gryningen ljusnar tunn
omgivning formlös
Vred o vände mej till morgonstund
finner det svårt att lägga band
när sovit blott nån enstaka blund
Men nu med mobilen i hand …
… fick morgonstund ‘Guld i Mund’
helt älskvärt i välfärd
tog det endast nån sekund
bort från ofärd, irrfärd:
Tills att nu igen återförenad
Inte längre känner mej förmenad!
Time, it’s being said, ‘flies’
passes too quickly
or rather perhaps ‘flees’
cowardly prickly?
For where’s time when we need more
what’s the story on that score?
Watch that tempus
as it ravages
in fierce tempest
as it savages:
Possesses our minds
our lives it mocks
Time never rewinds
as do our clocks
So just ‘fugit about it’
there exist no loopholes
We may sit in the cockpit
but not at the controls!
-tempus fugit = time ‘flies’ but seems rather ‘flees’?
-‘fugit’ about it = here: forget about it
There’s diminishing return
of consumer technology
such as not enough concern
how it bashes ecology
Still its shares go eruptive
moving rapidly to the fore
glorified as ‘disruptive’
forcing others to close their door
Of what merit ‘automation’
when leaves many unemployed?
Of what value ‘innovation’
when communities destroyed?
So why then do we heed the prophets
who create havoc most for profits?!
-disruptive = here: new technology or business models that put others out business; currently used as a term of gushing admiration without voicing much concern of social justice, jobs etc
At this closing stage of Life
I’ve come to realize
it all turned too rife with strife
but need to emphasize
until this time
I’d been distracted
Had seemed just ‘fine’
barely impacted
Following such insight
denial was history
Chastened, I’ll be all right
embracing Life’s mystery!
no longer can I continue to flout
that distraction but fleetingly works out