Forebode the bottom-scraped lode

What idiotic presumption
that what’s for us a smooth road
of endless growth and consumption
somehow doesn’t deplete the lode!

Humans been binging
until all got unhinged
Still we ain’t cringing
our cheeks by shame untinged

We have been undiscerning
so for our hapless brood
their future now adjourning:
Irreversibly screwed

The impropriety of kakistocracy

We’ve watched a variety
of impropriety
in dazzling dubiety
and insobriety

For too many years pretended
we were ruled by Meritocracy
which emphatically ended
Now saddled with Kakistocracy

who shall never be appeased
or moved by entreaty
they just leer at us displeased
as were we graffiti

In these times cruelly stern
all while right on we churn
the rich take what we should earn
And we lack guts to learn!

Kakistocrats never get placated
none of their demands ever vacated

-kakistocracy = government run by the worst & vile, least qualified & most unscrupulous citizens (from Greek kakistos: worst)

Tänder vi för lättvindigt falska fyrar?

Kavat ska sej ej förfasa
när vågor å stormar rasa:

Att segla oförvägen
genom Livets nätter
sätta kurs angelägen
så böljors skum skvätter

Mens bakom falska fyrar
frestelser kan pyra
I girighet vi yrar
trots påföljder dyra

Så blev vi seglatsens beundrare
å samtidigt dessas vrakplundrare

+) vrakplundrare = förr: kustfolk som tände misledande ‘fyrar’ och
plundrade resulterande skeppsvrak; här och nu: de som gör stora vinster
på andra människors bekostnad

Från ungdom dråplig till ålderdom dåsig

I Livets vinter utsliten

efter livaktig början
av bestyr å akvaviten
pensionär i livssörjan

I sin uppväxttids dråplighet
fattade han ej ett dugg
Sen i åldrandets dåsighet
blev han snacksalig mens njugg

Ljugarbänken nu hans sista podium
från att förkunna sej som ett unikum

Feeling anxious enough to change?

Clammy hands of anxiety
clasping throats assertively
suspend us in dubiety
keep poking us furtively

Desperate to regain
with less thought to attain

Fears embolded shall but briefly fade
unacknowledged they shall resurge
By any disavowal unswayed
while we keep racing on the verge

As long as we avert our gaze
we shall sink deeper in malaise

Not of change convincible when feeling invincible

Who misses peace of mind
when feeling invincible?
Towards change disinclined
simply not convincible

How breezily we’re self-reliant
on course set obliviously!
Of solidarity defiant
while grabbing lasciviously:

Fleetingly our bodies do subsist
while our hearts & souls on the sick list

On my grand daughters high school graduations 2018

Movements lithely flowing
cheerful their sincerity
Complexion, hope glowing
infused by hilarity

They bring about deep affection
finding foothold on their path
in youth’s but fleeting perfection
shielded so far from Life’s wrath

Viewed from the perch of aging
found so deeply engaging

The well-tuned bicycle

Relished the smooth ride home from the shop
trip home with steep hills seems just a hop:

Crystal crisp the shifting
Crankset, gears ticking
Handlebars uplifting
No foreign clicking

Tires whirl p.s.i. correct
hum of the well-oiled chain
Seating position perfect
I glide in the arcane

Wheels well spoked
tightly drawn
Pedals stoked
by brash brawn

All this combine to sweetly
boost the ride home most fleetly

We languish within the limits of language

All throughout human history
we’re left wholly in the lurch
when it comes to Life’s Mystery
we flounder on endless search

While purposeful language
serves us well in the mundane
it leaves us to languish
when grappling with The Arcane

To debate what may lie Beyond
ain’t that a sure way to despond?

edited 03/27/24 145O