Om nöden, döden ǻ besvären i stormaktssfären

Med honnör i stram givakt
trodde på ‘Fosterlandsmörja’
ivägsänd sen i marschtakt
så att de hemma fick sörja

Lydigt ‘försvara’ de mäktiga
vid Lützen, Narva å Riga
följde order andäktiga
från gård å hem ut å kriga

I ungdomligt överdåd
ute i främmande krigen
en del dog i ‘hjältedåd’
fast helst hemma ålderstigen

Sen dess gudskelov en frist
tre århundranden till sist



Till väckelsens förskräckelse

Av artonhundratals Väckelse
blev mången alkoholfri
men till Väckelsens förskräckelse:

Så inte bara oandlighet
men uppror mot Guds tillsatta
Fint guldgalonerad överhet
av folkstyrelse avsatta:

Varje ringa bröst
fick till slut en röst

alkoholfri = “En våg av haugiansk väckelse hade med nådens lut kokat syndasmutsen ur hans livklädnad och räddat honom från brännvinets demon och upprorets ande.”

Gushing feelgood rush

Splendidly gallop our horses
below glimmer of sabers
in bravely fought lost good causes
thus found stillborn our labors

While briefly providing
gushing feelgood rush
way too soon subsiding
that compelling crush

Thusly often runs the course
of many a ‘noble’ cause

Sunt förstånd vacklar

I knäppt pellejönseri
irrar vi å kacklar
samhälleligt hönseri
där sunt förstånd vacklar

Fel grunkor vi jaga
mens lättast klandra
å skylla å klaga
på alla andra

Vi har ju en sån djärv självkänsla
befriad från mesig medkänsla …

Aren’t most of idiots truly in these times most unruly?

‘Idiots’ are we not truly
in Athenian word sense
if in these times most unruly
we’re just sitting on the fence?

With economy now in free fall
while society collapses
time to mitigate (though can’t forestall)
before short time left elapses!

Why don’t we try our utmost
as Earth does turn burning toast?

idiot = from ‘idios’ (private, one’s own); an ‘idiot’ in Athenian democracy (500 B.C.) was someone who was concerned almost exclusively with private, as opposed to public, affairs – not seeming to grasp how they are intertwined! Declining to take part in public life was largely frowned upon – considered dishonorable even. ‘idiots’ were thus seen as having poor judgment in societal matters (now, really!)

Did not take in stride that I lost my stride

Only found out yesteryear
when soaked by waves of fears
when it became crystal clear
that I’ve been old for years

Had already lost my stride
long before realized
had turned oversized my pride
which by then ossified

Been trying hard to hide
that I then replied
with “I take it in stride!”
Well, back then I lied

Distracting vs exacting

Happiness but cloying
pinkish ribbon flown
flimsy & decoying
by fickle winds blown

While embracing Peace of Mind
steadfastly us anchor
Life’s most impeccable find
knows calm joy, not rancor

Happiness dallies in distracting
Peace of Mind lets us live exacting


Tire squealing through cream cake plethora

Although driving pandemic
by the global tellurian
compellingly endemic
along the coast Ligurian.

High pitched its roar
Panda 4×4.
Shifter on floor
road hugging rapport.

Tire squealing curves vertiginous
wind through hilly cream cake plethora.
Binge worth cake shops indigenous
caloric boxes of pandora.

A swift driving stalk
brings a sweet cake walk.

-cake shop = in Volterra
-Panda 4×4 =×4
-tellurian = of or inhabiting the earth
-Volterra =