In slack-jawed stupefaction

Gushing over ‘high society’
in such slack-jawed stupefaction?
Finding its crass impropriety
a never ceasing attraction?

Reading about celebs of means
(chauffeured in their limousines)
in check-out counter magazines?
If amusing, by all means!

But is it long term fulfilling
that what it might be instilling?

Han hjärta slår i idoghet trots livets avoghet

Vanligtvis skämtsam
är väl gubben Sundin
tror sej va hjälpsam
trots tyvärr kort stubin

Tyvärr enträgen
inbillar sej skojfrisk
sällan förlägen
ogärna kåserisk

En man besynnerlig
tvär å säregen
Livsföring underlig
sällan förtegen

Tills trots livets avoghet
slår hjärtat i idoghet

What may you expect from us?!

We plunge focused like the gannet

in the contemporary
promptly pillaging the Planet
for ends pecuniary

Under lame pretext of Progress
while fouling our Species’ Nest
with Technology we obsess
betraying Those Coming Next

But those of us simply not aware
surely can’t be expected to care?!

gannet = large heavily built seabird with a long stout bill who feeds itself by plunging dives for fish

Does verbiage watered down make us sound cool or like a fool?

Aren’t words fading of meaning
in to something we just utter
to buttress our keen preening
we spread them thickly like butter?

With screens abound who needs pedagogy
when we have all pictures & emoji?

Silly vanity
of ignorance willful
and inanity
of ineptness skillful

When we’re selecting words on how they sound
then how wouldn’t sentences get out of bounds?

Are Human Species character flaws beyond redress?

Do our character flaws
whatever the cause
detract like tearing jaws
or mere scratching paws?

Flaws shall keep us estranged
make us seem deranged
and while feeling shortchanged
still persist unchanged

Human Nature unruly
which we ought but abhor
it keeps us ensnared cruelly
Just doesn’t work to ignore

Keeps persisting immutably
while doing so inscrutably

Muse took off on a cruise

Mired in impotency pained
all inspiration gone
Of fresh material drained
my well too deeply drawn

Shaft been echoing eerily
after known reserves were drawn
Been reduced to watch wearily
depleted in guts & brawn

After short fused she took off my muse
on some perhaps booze induced type cruise

edited 04/04/24 0920

Our Species eviction, yeah but …

Polluting & depleting
we’re fouling our own nest!
A planet overheating
but hey, we’re on a quest!

Whether by plain obliviousness
narcissistic dereliction
or shackled by lasciviousness
must end with species eviction

Yeah but, won’t our mindlessness be excused
as we’re by snappy ‘yeah but’ quips bemused?

-‘yeah but’ quip = such as: “Oceans rising? Yeah but, won’t we all get waterfront property then!”

Försöka återvinna ‘lagom’ ?

I dessa tider högaktiva
tycks vi alltmer expansiva
men måste vi då överdriva
för att synas kreativa?

När överflöd blir otillräckligt
hur når vi då förnöjsamhet?
Blev vårt samhälle så förskräckligt
att hugskott blir nödvändighet?

Försent för kursen att läggas om
försöka återvinna ‘lagom’?