Bortom kortsiktigt får bli oviktigt

Medan alltmer skuldsatta
i livets hinderlopp
jagar vi som besatta
vettskrämda av köpstopp

Inte är vårt samhälle
(fast påstås framskridet)
längre ett smultronställe
men skonlöst snedvridet?

Så oundvikligt ta tillflykt i kortsiktigt
vad som händer på sikt får väl bli oviktigt

Pratas det mer rivigt än rätt?

Det kännes skumt, förbigående
när de pratar ‘rivigt å rätt’
så jag lyssnar oförstående:
Har kändisarna lite vett?

Ordflöden tycks överskugga
och med modeord dölja
påståenden oftast njugga:
Pratar de kanske smörja?

Å vilka dumheter
som anses nyheter!

edited 10/14/21 1040

Lazy thoughts drifting

Like light winds shifting
blowing across the pond
lazy thoughts drifting
awed, by escapism spawned

Unmoored our minds flap
as plunged stones or dipped oars
stir small waves which lap
expediency’s shores

Minds in the mundane adrift
to most else giving short shrift


Sales pitches sclerotic in commerce idiotic

Where trampling consumer herds graze
among shrill sales pitches sclerotic
with perked up ears, their screens on face
stampede in commerce idiotic

With grasping hearts ice pack cold
snagging shiny contrivances
by acts as quick as they’re bold
in persuasive connivances

While they barely break in sweat shopping
still being on a track all sopping




Smooth sailing as we’re throwing up over the railing?

“Just ride it out”, says my cheery wife,
“watch a video, write a verse
enjoy your late life without the strife!”
Until carted off in the hearse

But spared suffering, struggle & strife
how can humans live well in life?
If trivial coasting til last breath
we’re not alive before our death?

And how to pretend Life is smooth sailing
while throwing up bent over the railing?

railing = here: a ship’s (hand) rail

Feed it and we’ll endow it

Dare to question Tech Perfection
beyond granted latitude
and we’ll face instant rejection
thus won’t change Tech’s attitude

Our misgivings of Technology
is not to slander and belie
It shows signs of own pathology
fever chart racing up awry

Why do we march, lockstep with spring
obeying each ring & flash?
How long let brash gadgets go ‘ting’
while draining our cards of cash?

Just as long as we allow it
feed the Beast and we’ll endow it!

From first until last glance

You’re loving effulgence
in Life’s wondrous dance
abounding indulgence
of sweet happenstance

You’re my life’s five star menu
served up in senescence
For me wobbly the venue
outside your dear presence

From  our youthful romance
until, soon, our last glance

Watch me, Mom!


Baby Anton Oct 2013 in his stroller with Eric leaning over

Anton, aged one, seated in his elaborate stroller and Eric, his old neighbor & ground crew, meet for a morning chat, while Anton reflects:

Mom, Mom watch, watch me, Mom
handsome, unruffled.
Staying serenely calm
by binky muffled.

Mom, Mom watch, watch me, Mom
in my spacecraft seat.
With greatest of aplomb
hovering off street.

So cool by console, at controls
by all adult doubt unfazed.
Topping the baby pilot polls
my many enemies dazed.

But it can’t be a breeze
for my poor ground crew.
Eric leaning in askew
on his aging knees?

We’re two gregarious chaps
who banter when we meet
sporting similar slick caps:
The neighborhood elite.

(p.s. Mom:)
Admirers all keep rushing
squeaky voices gushing.
How do I avoid blushing?
Celeb’s role bit crushing.