Frantically we fiddle by the griddle

How we whip up the batter
amidst spills & splatter
with clanks & clinks & clatter
shall tastily matter

May frantically fiddle
watching out for mistakes
by the sizzling hot griddle
shaping up the hotcakes

Can the essence be found, sweet or awful
solely in the eating of the waffle?



Self-nomination no longer aberration

Calling oneself ‘poet’

hold it there, slow it!
uncorking the Moet
might overdo it

Calling oneself ‘great friend’
or ‘great at one’s craft’
part of self-absorbed trend
once unseemly daft

Like for self briskly clapping
would once been an aberration
as erstwhile own back slapping
frowned on as self-nomination

Now why wouldn’t it be our druthers
let any praise, come from others?

moet = contrary to French grammar ‘moet’, when in Moet & Chandon champagne, is pronounced mo’wett

Chicken peckin’ chicken, while humans keep wrecking

Dog eat dog
while cats scratch cats
frog jump frog
rats rat on rats

While animals are absolved of blame
might not humans gain from owning shame?

Humans to humans inhuman
nefarious plots thicken
Stirred by uncaring acumen
from rectitude we chicken

Through infallible perversity
humans create own adversity

Floating lightly in restraint (non-rhyming)

May a crackling fire roaringly warm our chilled hearts
thaw our icicles of brittle self absorption.

A gallant gale scatter the heavy thoughts
howling through the dank caves of our darkness.

A brisk river douse our seething anger
firmly sweep it out onto the calm sea.

A gentle swell cradle our gnawing fears.
A hot summer sun dry our soggy soul.

May we not toss in anxiety and constraint
but float lightly in the restful peace of restraint.


Self-centered all-out, blinded to all fall-out

We are on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
can it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected?

Leaving each other in the dust shamelessly
while we’re trying to hog it all, blamelessly!

Are we on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out?

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
Will it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected

Left each other in the dust shamelessly
while we try hogging it all blamelessly!

Rather the role of the avower than the bully who must overpower

Strive for the role of the avower
who explores the Truth together
Shun arguments to overpower
which makes us our lost bellwether

Don’t throw in that red herring
surreptitiously non-glaring
diverts the discourse, erring
away on fallacious bearing

Such a disingenuous hoax
throws off good faith dialogue
like the stick thrust in bike wheel spokes
leaves our quest crashed epilogue

Been losing our sweet tooth
for what erstwhile was Truth?

‘Swamp’ drained but refills brought no thrills

Some ‘swamp’ dwellers gone
most often forthwith fired
but replaced with (yawn!)
folks even less desired

Despite long time since spoken
the ‘swamp’ remains un-drained
another promise broken
Check replacements harebrained:

How morally disheveled
those retrograde refills
ethically bedeviled
on corruption’s treadmills

The Prez keeps clomping
on a cringing world stage
Trumping & whomping
trapped in fantasy’s cage

How he bombastically mirrors
the nation turned sneerers & smearers

Torn asunder, going under

The smartphone obsession
impairs our mental mettle
restrains in regression
fades fast erstwhile fine fettle

Claims of ‘doing our research’
just clicking profusion
Silly stupefying smirch
cutting short conclusion!

Thus we’re torn asunder
while we’re going under


Luttrad eller tvingas huttra i livets storm?

Om låttit livets storm oss luttra
hade vi en jädra bonntur
Fick annars stå bak knut å huttra
utan perspektiv å bravur

När Livet bjuder upp till dans
får vi kanske blott en enda chans
att växa i sanning å sans
inte vilse likt idrottens svans

Synes ett enkelt val
mellan fattning å kval?

Safer shuffle like sheep?

As Life is never taintless
might be safer shuffle like sheep
tractably & be plaintless
watching warily from seats cheap

Save us from the raving babble
too grating, clueless & grim!
Elbowed by the ruthless rabble
chance to get out alive: Slim

Aren’t we skating on thin, cracking ice
pretending that all is sweet & nice?