Var å en sin egen atlet eller profet?

I livet vi oss klantar
både till själ å kropp
oroar oss å fjantar
om påhopp å blodpropp

Syns livet oss för torrt
förutan snabbmat
eller åskådarsport
skryt eller kallprat?

Gömmer vi oss i tomhet eller fromhet
var å en sin egen atlet eller profet?

Ducks, not us humans, unruffled in any weather

Ducks handle well trifle
and still take on more
Useless rants they’ll stifle
without feeling sore

For she’s your standard duck
off which water drops repel
by design – not duck’s pluck
so why should not all be well?

She just muffles her ‘victim’ quack
ignores her enabling claque
Places trust in her run-off back
does not expect any plaque

They manage well those birds of a feather
swim, fly unruffled in any weather



Willful ignorance

When our ignorance willful
then a shortsighted stance
As excuse may be useful
still a poor traction prance

Any sensory input
if contradicts our emotion
experienced as hard put
obstacle to own promotion

A most treasonous act
to let into own domain
logic, justice & fact
so we repel with disdain

thus ducking away from Reality
while cowardly spouting hyperbole

-willful ignorance = the practice of intentional and blatant avoidance, disregard of facts, empirical evidence and well-founded arguments because they oppose or contradict our own preferences or beliefs

Australia, the ember?

On the wildfires in Australia

Parts of continent turning tinder
looks from space like single ember?
How long til residual cinder
what shall be left to remember?

Fear some day out in lonesome space
in their space craft explorer
homeless without an earthly base
will be watching in horror

Then peering out and down forsaken:
Much too late did humans awaken


Anspråk på ordspråk

Ordspråket “Borta bra men hemma bäst” är välkänt. Här föreslår jag ett nytt:

Att “borta bäst men hemma mest”
påstår sej veta vettvillingen
nu i fängsel efter arrest
sedan han stal köpeskillingen

Att göra ordspråk
även när syns förvrängt
ett brukligt anspråk
vem vet, ej så befängt?

Så kanske vi alla lätt bifaller
om ‘hemma’ menas bak grova galler?

My day’s highlights

Comes dawn am wakening up
next to my wondrous wife
then sipping first coffee cup
still spared from thoughts of strife

At nighttime reading in bed
til nodding off, dropping the book
vigor to stay awake shred
dropping off to sleep in our nook

Fleetingly these life’s highlights
shields my heart from what benights


The ‘soaring’ 2020’s

How hastily they faded
the 1920s jaded!

Now roar the 2020s
optimism restoring
but in unequal plenties
with AI faith soaring

But hurricanes rage, forests burn down
with neo-Fascism on the rise
civil & economic breakdown
in cruelly volatile guise

Now misruled by kakistocracy
brought us humiliating lows
mired in horrific hypocrisy
to suffer unknowable throes

Anytime soon now The Free Fall
which we won’t be able forestall

1920’s = the ‘roaring twenties’ with its boundless optimism about the future

No real world reforms brew in Twitter storms

A ‘Me First’ stance keeps us shielded
but locked up in insularity
might a wider scope have yielded
engaged, heartfelt solidarity?

What we don’t wish to see clearly
shall hold us back severely
If we’re sorry, regret dearly
but late for that, sincerely!

Feigning concern of the odd thing
perhaps a posting with verbal sting?
We’ll Tweet, on Facebook take a swing
but not prepared to enter the ring!

While for change with real world traction
what’s needed: Hard nosed commanders
capable of strong hands-on action
Not Twitter storms by bystanders

Like those among us effete screechers
hiding away in online bleachers