Global warming not some day. Yesterday.

Global warming

Global warming

A bike dealer who mentions global warming may indeed be guilty of the same self serving cheap promotion as the car dealership, which flies an over sized American flag or the politician who presumes to speak for ‘all hardworking folks’.

Be this as it may, the earth is “on the verge of disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control, causing mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

James Hansen, the chief climate scientist at NASA, returned to Capitol Hill in June, on the twentieth anniversary of his 1988 testimony, to indeed warn that the earth is on the verge of “disastrous climate changes that spiral dynamically out of humanity’s control,” causing “mass extinction, ecosystem collapse and dramatic sea level rises.”

Obviously no amount of bicycling shall reverse or by itself significantly slow the spiraling.

Nothing shall. Short of perhaps radical life style changes right now, which clearly ain’t happening.

But for all its horror I’d personally rather know than living in denial of my own betrayal of future generations. Being only one of some 7 billions humans cannot lessen my complicity. I have sadly done nothing beyond mildly inconveniencing myself regarding arguably the greatest calamity that can possibly face life on planet Earth.

Averting our empty eyes

Q: “Why are you not putting on a mask?”
A: “I’m not culpable for your health
I’m self-reliant, so do not ask
also won’t be blamed for my wealth!”

If this is how some of us are
how did we stray so deep & far?

Q: “Still thinking we’re better than this?”
A: “We’re no effete Swedes or feeble French
so, World, come give U.S. a kiss!”
(albeit amidst conceited stench)

Thus we keep up the narrative:
Pretending to empathize
high-handed & declarative
averting our empty eyes

Masklessness leaves the Covid threat cowardly vague
while masked have we not faced that we’re all in a plague?

Rushing, gushing at dawn with brawn

Armored in dressed-for-success clothes
limbering our lashing tongue
cleansed out our bargain-sniffing nose:
Ready reach for the next rung!

Sharpened our elbows
we’re ready to impose
if need be bulldoze
in order to foreclose

Brashly we sally, again, out the door
never mind still clueless of what’s the score

Va?! Sneglar en gammal filur på en nätt figur?

Länge sen sjöng med i refräng
i senaste trudelutt
eller över nån ny mojäng
tog ett rejält glädjeskutt

Tar nu helst en tupplur
Frestas inte av reklam
eller kändiskultur
släppt fri från deras björnkram

Fast sneglar nån gång på en nätt figur
Blir man nånsin uttråkad av skulptur?

Hade gått vilse i farstun om inte för hustrun

Levt tills snurrig gubbstrutt
irrar förvirrad, slutkörd
varje ljud för högljutt
trots att ha blivit lomhörd

Mens makan en elegant äldre tant
som vet sej va helt oumbärlig
och när håller sej på sin egen kant
blir hon inte alltför besvärlig

Men om ej för omsorg av hustrun
hade han gått vilse i farstun

Fågelkvitter?! Gamling, du menar förstås Twitter? Ha, ha

Mens Naturens fågelkvitter
avtar, beskärmar jag mej
från rastlöst oljud på Twitter
i dess snärjiga ståhej

Varför söker vi besitta
det som oss ofta fjärmar?
Låter vi oss ej försitta
av vad som bortom skärmar?

Hur kan vi gitta
att föredra fnitter
när själar vittra?
Lätt känna sej bitter

Varför sej huka på nätet avskuren
från fågelkvitter i stilla Naturen?

Freedom to be dumb, Te Deum

Yes, too much to ask:
Don’t interfere
we won’t wear a mask
too cavalier!

Then haven’t we sacked
any & all fact?
With all lies stacked
lost all sense & tact?

Facts are too socialist & abstract
won’t let such ungodliness detract!

Up hill slowly I pedal lowly amidst a few drivers who verbally meddle

I regularly pedal up a steep, narrow, winding, two-way, two-lane road occasionally ‘causing’ drivers to wait due to oncoming traffic before passing me. Judging from some cars ‘riding my rear fender’ & the rare occasional driver’s remark or gesture perhaps I’m viewed by some drivers as an annoying traffic impediment? Others may perhaps be capable of ‘feeling my pain’ (here in aging legs & lungs), while by most ignored? So goes our human experience at large.

One irate driver yelling
“You’re obstructing traffic!”
on mission Cyclist Quelling
then adds gesture graphic

While another in civil quirk
rather cheers my modest pace
by affably calling “Good work!”
with welcomed patience & grace

Thus the human clash goes
between those empathetic
and those in restless throes
sounding off homiletic

Of course up to anyone exposed
to try act safely & stay composed