Trying not to offer opinions unprompted!

Who would unprompted share
one’s fact-grounded opinions
let heart & mind laid bare
to cliché-spouting minions?

Would that not be to squander
what is for each quintessential
in a frivolous yonder
tangential to life essential?

Unless someone appears sincerely to ask
might we not prefer in a limelight to bask

Society’s fabric keeps rending, with slim efforts made of mending

Lunatic lies unending
narrative paths twisted
both facts & logic bending
evasions enlisted

Do we prefer lies outrageous
to mere reality obstruction?
In these troubled times contagious
which do offer foremost distraction?

Hard to see a happy ending
to such abomination
Society’s fabric rending
soon falls ‘civilization’!

Meantime more ‘fun’ a neo-fascist autocrat
than some smart, informed, honest, social democrat


I sus å dus

Såg sej själv överdådig
trodde sej rättrådig
fastän endast villrådig
allenast självrådig

Föll på nunan i snabbt sus
munnen på vid gavel
i mark full med sand å grus
kraftuttryck av svavel

Levde i sus å dus
i stöddigt självvalt rus

… but will we lead a worthwhile life?

If we want to get along
mouth only the mundane
and if we want to belong
stray not in the arcane!

Let others spout their opinion
and just pretend to listen
Act the sycophantic minion
smile, best if our eyes glisten

Avoid these words to get along:
‘ascetic’ & ‘poetic’
Apply in order to belong:
‘athletic’ & ‘cosmetic’

Voice only the prosaic
like ‘we get warm by burning coal’
avoid ‘photovoltaic’
Above all do not bare our soul!

Thus we’ll evade some risk & strife
but will we lead a worthwhile life?

Hur än svag hans rytmkänsla

En sån figur
en sån filur

utan rättkänsla
saknar skamkänsla

Hur än svag hans rytmkänsla
svagare hans erkänsla

Gråa gryningar gråtmilda

Att ha varit alkoholist
tack å lov länge sedan
Förnedrande förtvivlat trist
känner alltjämt av svedan

Plågas alltjämt sinnet
i uttröttad lekamen
Gnager grymt på minnet
kuggad på livstentamen

Alltför många år blev förspillda
i gråa gryningar gråtmilda


When the ego struts tall, the greater its fall

Posting on Internet’s boulder
our stale jokes from hapless heart
while little we care to shoulder
is neither kind, brave or smart

All wrapped around our own
with the ego puffed up tall
nonsense filling our phone
outrageous our naive gall

Oblivious & headstrong
quite heedless of our affliction
merely keeps muddling headlong
largely by lack of conviction

By all means, if we must, act the wag
but please, spare us being such a drag!


A mindless barter

People already hapless
buy phones ever smarter
which turns them ever sapless
What a mindless barter!

Never learnt to navigate
so by voice command dialing
let GPS cogitate
On-screen found oh-so beguiling!

Never mind that crisp phones resplendent
make humans ever more dependent …