Faith found engrossing through micro dosing

In this splendid age
he’s a house guest
on the ‘new faith’ stage
in urgent quest

hoping to learn from his son
as society comes unglued
how brazenly to end run
in times of cataclysm prelude

Above all take religions
(of rancid rituals morose)
away from those quack wigeons
brash mega pastors bellicose

they don’t know it’s done through micro dosing
that’s how people find new faith engrossing

wigeon = a dabbling duck, which feed mainly at the surface rather than by diving; a fool


Blott runt egna knuten medvind

Låt oss leva ständigt påminda
om hur snabbt tappas perspektiv
Till vår omgivning bäst halvblind
i självupptagna vardagsliv

Alltför lätt att bli hemmablind
runt egna knutens medvind
medan samhällets virvelvind
ylar i häftigt motvind

Så jovisst i livets tvister
är det oss själva som brister

Fruitless, fruitful

Fruitless try mess with life’s mystery
humans like trees must shed their ‘leaves’
thus we’re are already history
For now rarely freed from life’s peeves

Although fruitful trying live with compassion
which gives Life meaning, be it out of fashion

Från ärtig till 80

Min kusin fyller 80!
Ut i vida världen gick färden

äventyrlig stil: On the go!
för att till slut hamna vid härden
som älskad mormor i Långbro

Hennes hjärta varmt och rymligt
en underbart hjälpsam själ
I dagens samhälle lymligt
lever Biggan sitt liv väl

Att hon nu skulle gå mot sitt slut?
Vilka dumheter! Vet ni ej hut?

… while the band plays on

The warped leader of the band
determines who’ll drum, who’ll fiddle
From away up on his stand
marches the band in dark riddle

And should we object
with all courage & breath
little the effect
and might just cause our death

while the band still plays on
until we are all gone

Cycling offers peace of mind of highest kind

On early mornings hares small brownish
and turn-on-dime squirrels forage
seen bolting out from bushes clownish
seeking replenish their storage

While with each pedal stroke
I’ve been spared from: Silliness
blared presumption of ‘woke’
as well PC frilliness

One passing rider even got so elated
that she ventured a ‘Good Morning!’: How outdated!