Vår begåvade fackidiot

Även om annars skarpsinning
vår begåvade fackidiot
kanske ej alltför djupsinnig?
Ligger viss förståelse fäfot?

Vad pågår i deras inre?
Vet om sitt ämne allt mer
mens uppmärksammar allt mindre
av annat som de ej ser

Vi kan behöva hjälp att lura ut
varför oegennyttan tagit slut?

-idiot = ett ord de gamla grekerna använde om de som var alltför trångt självupptagna å inte brydde sej om samhälle, nation eller världen bortom sej själva

Howling strong in projection

Others’ proclivity
for shameless self-pride
and dull naivety
keep get things cockeyed

So you, know-it-all minion,
won’t let any verified fact
influence your opinion
or allow fairness to detract

Can’t undertake introspection
when howling strong in projection

projection = (psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else

Fötter ska varmt uppskatta

På kyligt badrumsgolv
fötter ska varmt uppskatta
omsorgen å resolv:
av en tjock bomullsmatta

Känns bekvämligt
så enkelt
helt förnämligt
lugnt lågmält

Ingen borde oss tvinga
lägga in värmeslinga

resolv = från resolvera: besluta, avgöra


Det var en nästan ung man från Blåsut
inför julen fattade ett beslut

trots den starka svenska välfärden
att återbesöka omvärlden

Väl där blev dock hans hemlängtan akut

Happily hounded

How happily I’m hounded
by persistent a muse
so gratefully astounded
enthusing out the blues

Am a tree happily barked up
by inspiration infused
It’s brimming over my cracked cup
foamy verbiage suffused

Verses may be pathetic
in pace peripatetic
The language mere cosmetic
both opaque & bathetic

Delivery homiletic
its effect anesthetic
While response found apathetic
why be apologetic?

Very few poets a Byron
or Shakespeare or Neruda
Very few women a siren
and few gurus a Buddha

So what? Won’t us short on talent
at least attempt to be gallant?

“Ours is not to wonder why”. Just happy, thanks, to consume until we die

Dragoons galloped in the Light Brigade
led by incompetence, stupidity
Now another mind-boggling ‘crusade’
this one in commercial avidity:

Likewise is ‘ours not to wonder why’
when charging in reckless cupidity
ours is just to swipe the card to buy
‘Alive’ while wilting in flaccidity

A lack of reflection on blind obedience
may serve to hide in cowardly expedience

From poem ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ by Alfred Tennyson about the 1853 Battle of Balaclava during the Crimean War. The British light cavalry charged, due to its leader’s stupidity & incompetence, on a frontal attack right into the lowered muzzles of Russian artillery. Hence “Ours is not to wonder why. Ours is just to do or die.”

The ‘blank check’ lenience we allow for our own convenience

We ignore stentorian warning:
Planetary life keeps crumbling
in depletion, pollution, warming
met by our evasive mumbling

We equivocate & grumble
just own convenience is heeded
Glaciers melt & earthquakes rumble
not taking steps urgently needed

Our children & theirs shall pay the price
if we won’t change habits, they’re doomed:
As rivers drain, temperatures rise
ending them too early entombed

But for us, for now, a small price to pay
for enjoying the American Way?