‘Star-struck’ i Kungsholmens dunkel

När min nyanlände immigrant (från USA till Sverige) son Matt såg Greta Thunberg med far å hund när han var ute å motionerade på Kungsholmen, Stockholm:

En amerikan some hette Matt
av sinnesnärvaro ägde skvatt

Fast kunde på svenska: ‘Vad heter hunden?’
när han såg Gretas blev hans tunga bunden

Måhända ett tillfälle försatt?

Crossing over from Reality into Fantasy

Oh, with what ease it occurs
losing love of Reality
Oh, how easily line blurs
crossing over to Fantasy

Once there how to return
to facts & order
when behind bridges burn
sealing the border?

So lost in Fantasy’s hug & kiss
tempting to forget what we miss

Saddled with those merely seemingly addled

Think we’re saddled
with Leaders
bumbling, addled

Although they’re not lost at all
merely might have appeared effete
As found abundant their gall
when eager to please The Elite

helping Wall Street get replete
by robbing Main Street deplete

Dereliction drastic: Buying stuff in plastic

Convenient in the moment
to buy what’s sold in plastic
but no peace of mind bestowment
as dereliction drastic:

Pernicious plastic everywhere
in human, flora & fauna cells
in groceries, crops, soil & air
in oceans, lakes, streams & water wells

So kids, shall not be solved by smile
or in cute selfies implore
To be saved from a future vile
won’t work trying to ignore

Parents who do not want to change
is an intransigent force
who shall continue to derange
while say they love you of course

But as their conscience is elastic
their engagement be at best spastic