Free fall

MSM’s faux storytelling
& Wall Street’s greedy windfall
hasten Empire’s unraveling
tripping us into free fall

The violence visited upon
the outer edges of the Realm
has come home resoundingly foregone
regardless of who’s at the helm

Harsh havoc caused on those ‘small countries grungy’
snapped back in Empire’s face as if by bungee

Opinions, short on sense, we airily dispense

True facts can’t grow or contract
Facts shall remain facts regardless
of wished-for outcome or tact
They are neither kind or heartless

Opinions are but opinions
oft self-serving, subjective
nothing but a claque of minions
milling around affective

Ain’t it these days to facts we take offense
while opinions we airily dispense?

Precedentially Presidential

At first they were both derided
for appearing quite misguided

Off to such weak start
both Trump & Bush
mere blips on the charts
Then without blush …

… they chose (absent all qualms)
path precedential
which: Drop missiles & bombs
get ‘Presidential’!

Patriots are now deferential
of their new leaders quintessential!


Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Thinning hair ruffled
Slow feet stumbled
Noise shrill while muffled
Same days jumbled

Yarns spun garrulous
Headlights gone dimmed
on roads perilous
Life’s sweet cream skimmed

Been carrying on too long
Ready for the last round: Gong!

No Camelot he or his lot

His looks sallow carotene
that shamelessly lying brawler
a sick psyche philistine
in pursuit of that next dollar

Utterly Orwellian
but that’s not by far all
a shameless chameleon
with heart and hands too small

Still those who got him elected
feel elated not dejected