The consistently failing but still not changing U.S. foreign policy: Why don’t they ever learn?!
On the contrary! The Power Elite has learned only too well from their ‘mistakes’ & remain ever so determined to repeat them. These ‘mistakes’ feed their heady hubris and float their depraved delusions while amply providing notoriety, power, profits, careers, ribbons, pensions.
Steeped in inequality & iniquity, the Elite cannot be much bothered about the dire & deadly consequences to other people at home or abroad.
Before the tales of Gibbon
humans swung like gibbons
off to war, way quickly gone
seeking shiny ribbons
Since our Species’ dawn
man pounded chest
with taunt, flexing brawn:
“Who’s the bravest?”
The Elite gets People excited
about foreign machinations
to trust propaganda benighted:
We’re upholding laws of nations!
Though the Elite doesn’t have People’s welfare in mind
it can carry on – as we’re a cowardly kind
Twisted like acrobatic acts
to engineer outcomes perverted
opinions offered up as facts
then glibly, haughtily asserted
On recklessness binged
in forward pose
pours on claims unhinged
anything goes!
These days seem veracity
as well as morality
eclipsed by mendacity
in foam bath banality
In times erstwhile weren’t we restrained
by facts as being impregnable?
Perhaps too old to be retrained
for when few norms are detectable
Now floating away dazzled
from Reality’s shores
we’re too creaky & frazzled
to keep pulling the oars
Thus on waves of distraction we’re drifting
when did we last do something uplifting?
facts = “Factual evidence, since it is an impediment to what we desire, is banished” – Chris Hedges
edited 08/15/24 1730