Subjects of banality splashing amongst the plurality
Our quick, impatient words
flapping in ad lib
like flocks of ‘take off’ birds
swift, screeching & glib
Our phrases cheerfully poured
over facts, rationale
‘cleverness points’ to be scored
regardless of morale
‘Rolling off tongue’ phrases
sink without a trace
scattered in odd places
as bystanders brace
While endless subjects of banality
keep splashing amongst the plurality
No fakin’ about bacon
Multitudes eagerly eat it
though there can be no fakin’
While some try make it appear fit
here’s the truth about bacon:
Poor hogs maligned
horribly treated
tightly confined
callously slaughtered
Billions gallons of feces piling
bucolic surroundings defiling
In actuality
it’s raw brutality
leering lethality
lacking morality
Your breakfast’s ‘burnt pork’ fuel
(sizzling fat thought tasty)
was ‘raised’ in manner cruel
Conscience clear or pasty?
Hogs of decent life been cheated
due human palate conceited
-feces piling =
The alarmist as a leaf
Just hung on the tree
did a green leaf
seemed happy & free
beyond ‘beleaf’
Was ‘leafing it up’
just blowing in the wind
brimming its life’s cup
in sunlight widely grinned
Then from clear sky a tear
fell on its body, wet splash
happiness turned to fear
by a single raindrop brash!
That’s where it went awry
so there goes the ‘treeborhood’
To Heavens it would cry:
there goes my good ‘leaflihood’!
So goes the whining of the leaf-alarmist
in a too lightly triggered, poor me ‘valse triste’
On life’s path dawdling
Background music obtrusively
coddle days flap unflagging
keep on churning elusively
prodding, nagging then sagging
Been seeing our hopes quelled
though flashed fleetingly
tantalizing til knelled
then fade cheatingly
If on our life’s path we’re dawdling
what on earth are we modeling?!
edited 06/21/22 1010
A fair chance when live flowers we’re smelling
Do we barely spare a glance
for Spring’s tender flower
while reaching enraptured trance
when we Online cower?
To seek peace in single pursuit
persevered for its own end
(be it heartrendingly minute)
ain’t that when we may transcend?
Yes, a fair chance when flowers we’re smelling
While squinting online? Case less compelling!
Birds soar, humans bore
Birds’ color schemes
each flawless
distinctly gleams
brings solace
More elating a smidgen
mere glimpse of a Wigeon
or observing a Pigeon
than finding religion?
While birds of all colors soar
wingless humans largely bore
Demanding compliance with boundless nescience
Why must I be bored daily
told sports metaphors frail
celebrity quotes gaily
and commercial quips pale?
How does the majority
sunk in deep nescience
think they’ve the authority
to demand compliance
with their endless tedious prattle
spouting threadbare cliches & tattle?
Innocent revelry replays in warm reverie
Every regret’s ember
glows intractably
dooms us to remember
all implacably
Untamed thoughts glowering
in profanity
fanning wild flames, scouring
our past anomie
Still youth’s memories torrential
of innocent revelry
wondrous blessings existential
replays in warm reverie
Life turned middling riddle
Arms faded & scrawny
flabby our middle
Many years since brawny
now mostly twiddle
Life has turned middling riddle
shows on faces craggy
screeches like mistuned fiddle
in melody draggy
On downward trajectory
our course & cause abstruse
Where’s a clear directory
for those of us obtuse?
Show us all we can grab
how to get our way
as we prefer to nab
not give or allay!
Thus abet
rather than care
just forget
what’s like to share
Have now learned to manage
(spurred on by own greed)
taking full advantage
of those in dire need
Indulgent we’re beaming
finest wines we swill
lounged amidst stuff gleaming
huge thick steaks we grill
But aboard in yachting delight
cruising in the starlit night
cradled in self-absorbed birthright
oughtn’t our collars feel bit tight?
-collars feel bit tight = here: feeling a strain of anxiety about whether we’re steering a compassionate course on life’s ocean