Busy as bees but with breezy ease

Scripted snappy talk ‘on the surface’
passes now for civility
like spouted in customer service
with breezy ease & certainty

While on screens placidly self absorbed
aloof from solidarity
is this where we think ourselves adored
embraced in popularity?

Shall (in a world harshly hackable)
head down texting keep us placable?

Planet sends us packing

Indulge fantasy, discard reason!
Rich times in planet plundering
our Species’ finest fracking season:
Boundless bludgeoning, blundering

Greed brought upon us final defeat
raiding, rustling & ransacking
Soon no livable ground at our feet
as planet sending us packing!

Who but our own sweet Humankind
shall leave so much garbage behind?

Amidst whirling dust we grovel

In their owned world bright & novel
gallop swift equestrians
while in whirling dust we grovel
us plodding pedestrians!

While letting ourselves be kicked at
allowing us to be fooled
now under corporate diktat
we are all, profit fueled, ruled

Allow me state it to you straight:
Change now irreversibly late!

-equestrians = here: the power elite, i.e. oligarchs, big corporations, wall street, military-industrial-surveillance, main stream media & their handmaiden politicians

Spreading Freedom & Democracy

(Written in 2014 after the US sponsored Maidan ‘regime change’ coup):

Now in Eastern Ukraine:

In Donetsk & Luhansk oblast
indiscriminate shellings
Western media not aghast
though hit hospitals, dwellings:

Local life & culture defaced
while thousands killed, millions displaced

Soon again in the Gaza Strip:

Time again. It is a
‘mowing of the lawn’
in defenseless Gaza
by IOF ‘brawn’

Like Freedom & Democracy inflicted on Iraq:

When phosphorus, uranium depleted
obliterated ancient Fallujah
by U.S. Empire in war crimes conceited:
Once again Freedom spreads, Hallelujah!

Industrial slaughters by design
while the world looks the other way
Failing help from Providence Divine
hapless civilians the main prey

-Fallujah = dates from Babylonian times. White phosphorus bombs & depleted uranium shells were used by U.S., British & Iraqi forces under the command of General James Mattis in Nov 2004
-IOF = ‘IDF’ (Israel Defense Forces) a misnomer; rather the ‘IOF’ (Israel Occupying Forces)
-‘moving the lawn’ = Israeli policy phrase for the ‘degrading’ of Gaza every few years

Taking flimsy shelter in verbiage’s shade

Found too light when in action weighed
too many losing hands played?
Sheltering in verbiage’s shade
nerves shot & memory frayed?

Why do suffer ourselves talking
when from vital subjects strayed
avoiding, defending, balking
by flawed perspectives waylaid?

As well wise not to opine
on someone else’s hemline

In jam exigent

Humans hardly benign
perhaps not evil
while by will or design
still just primeval?

As when in jam exigent
without known precedent
why’s our response negligent
cowardly hesitant?

Is planet Earth merely God’s petri dish?
Humans his experiment with death wish?



She cold shoulders my zest

Lightning storms of ‘insight’
turned but fleeting gales
though did flash clear & bright
verbalizing fails

Pen limply sadly sags
Hand shaking, fumbling
Vocabulary gags
Crisp paper crumbling

Breakthrough just on the brink
yet another reversal!
Wasted sumptuous ink
on what turned mere rehearsal

Attempted cheaply gallant
in overreaching quest
Been courting Blessed Talent
who cold shoulders my zest

Setbacks & wrinkles, long since goose pimples

Our faces turning craggy
Synapses misfiring
Jowls & butts sinking saggy
Worn thinly brain’s wiring

Daily routines found conspiring
full of setbacks & wrinkles
New challenges cause perspiring
Long since we felt goose pimples

Civility sorely lagging
Screeched promotions propitious
abound posturing & bragging
pitches puffed-up, suspicious

No punishment but reward
when in old age we’re ignored

-propitious = indicative of favor; presenting favorable circumstances
-wrinkle = a trick or dodge; crease in the skin

Not sitting, but shifting up

Quatrain if lazily loiters
must wheeze, wobble in puncture
While when bravely reconnoiters
shall blow through any juncture

From leisurely spinning cadence
let’s shift up from latency
go cycling with verse’s maidens
with unrestrained ardency

Expressing lucid elation
if  ably so in crisp rhymes
may cause to flow a narration
stringed with ethereal chimes

Enough specious words

Overseas millions killed, maimed
Their plight we belittle
concern rarely even feigned
to change noncommittal

Worn narrative straining
nation’s honor stained
In an empire waning
integrity sprained

The President’s smooth hollow words
just shows up paralysis
whether on climate, jobs or Kurds
Bring on urinalysis:

Enough specious words
by Ivy League nerds!

-president = written originally under Obama
-urinalysis = here: to identify those ‘high’ on Imperial hubris