His pompous, facile verbiage soars
while lying through his gleaming teeth
The figurehead lets us down while scores
his Beltway knife loosened in sheath
His faux ‘Change You Can Believe In’ brand
once seductive consumer pitch
now shown up as empty, stale & bland
still serves the powerful & rich
A President so crisp & elegant
coolly projects noble sentiments
but were his soaring speeches eloquent
helpful for those in drab tenements?
One shameless, specious scheme of bait & switch:
Saying versus doing without a glitch
The Beltway = metaphor (from it’s D.C. locus) for the Power Elite
Through fully opened sluice
words gush profusely
wave follows wave obtuse
ashore diffusely
Conveyed in smarmy smooth style
modulated, attuned
words customized to beguile
glibly, quickly communed
Words mindless of direction
locked in obduracy
empty of much reflection
pound in profligacy
If you take to heart much of what blurts
then you shall receive your just deserts!
just deserts = (idiomatic) punished in a manner appropriate to one’s actions (plural only & indeed spelled ‘deserts’ while pronounced as if ‘desserts’)