Cold shouldered by muse

Proto-verses stuck in queue
cold shouldered by his Muse
stranded instead with a shrew
seems he’s paying his dues

“Am hardly expecting affection
merely had hoped for direction
so will settle for imperfection!”
he versifies in dejection

Amidst twilight’s hue
in the Word Zoos
phrases won’t accrue
to cheers & boos

His cadence jammed
his stanzas hammed
name calling

Had hoped to glimpse words that would stir dragoons
but found mostly those from burping buffoons

Loving our monetized activity, while unabashed by usury!

Clearly verity
a fading oddity
like charity
& solidarity!

Non-profit? What hilarity:
A socialist contrivance!
Anti-social temerity!
Surely full fledged connivance!

Rather: ‘Love it’ proclivity
for fantasy’s foolery
of monetized activity
unabashed by usury!

Steady stealth inoculations
in market cacophony
by rapacious corporations
in globalized larceny

Any chance they’d take a moment’s rest?
Sure, when the sun rises in the West!

Creating our own mirthless mess

Each moment in its brevity
mere blip imperceptible
no doubt throughout eternity
flashes insusceptible

In mechanical traverse
circling on lonesome trek
in apparent Universe
planet Earth just a speck

Nonetheless could’ve proved ample
if we wouldn’t rush & trample

but instead us fleeting flecks
messy guests soon Earth-less
us humans of modest specs
create own mess mirthless

‘Consumer’ – a most euphemistic label & fable

When we use up what is essential to our very survival we shall perish. No distractions shall save us. To ‘consume’ (Latin ‘consumere’) is to take wholly or completely destroy, i.e. to use up.

Consumers don’t just squander
they do obliterate
now and right here and yonder
they do annihilate

Humans are now consumers
of what remains on Earth
we’re the malignant tumors
assuring planet’s dearth

Plainly turning it all unlivable:
The ultimate act unforgivable


Union affable in perfect sorting control

Here’s a story that rocks
for persons with feet
who are wearing out socks
Here details replete:

Involves a old married couple
their romance erstwhile torrid
Neither bodies or minds supple
shuffling in socks un-florid

Socks not blown off any longer
but no surprise still worn through
spotted, when peeled off to launder
without alarm or ado

Her socks wear first at the toe
without an exception
while his heels the first to go
By clearest perception:

sock sorting thus infallible
merely check where’s found the hole
The couple’s union affable
in perfect sorting control


Erstwhile souls debased

We’re wilting in complacency’s shades
lost in gutless conformity
On frequent refrigerator raids
indulgent of deformity

Lassitude has kept us callow
from solidarity strayed
Each morning’s fresh hue turns sallow
by torrid crassitude swayed

We’ll be found too light when weighed
our erstwhile souls debased
Surely this whole jam self-made
with gone sour aftertaste?

Dancing on the pedals

Give your proud legs the chance
to warm, to limber
then set out, watch them prance
in cadenced timbre

Pure pedal powering
in strongest mettle
like petals flowering
in finest fettle

Below blossoms gliding
tires spinning, scouring
boundless bounty riding
while miles devouring

Dancing away on the pedals
in purest joy mystical
beyond mere racing for medals
Living movement lyrical!

cadence = the measure of rhythmical motion; cycling: the number of revolutions of the crank per minute

Pursuit carboniferous

Outlook darkly fossiliferous
of restraint we’re belligerent
In our pursuits carboniferous
of the future indifferent

No mere hubristic vanity
this despairing dissonance
but ’round the bend’ insanity
from which no deliverance!

While Icarus just didn’t watch the wax
we’re giving our whole species the axe

Icarus = the classical hubris poster boy

When weltschmerz abates

My poor heart’s own share of weltschmerz
abates by writing each day
While measured still in kilohertz
keeps disquietude at bay

as well when on bike rides
or admiring a flower
then restlessness subsides
dims futility’s glower

Absorbed in a calm pursuit
in and of its own end
whether in itself minute
ain’t that when we transcend?