Not yet again (we’re aghast)
here comes the iconoclast:
No mere contrarian
but barbed barbarian
who steadfastly us lambast
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
Not yet again (we’re aghast)
here comes the iconoclast:
No mere contrarian
but barbed barbarian
who steadfastly us lambast
Convenient in the moment
to buy what’s sold in plastic
but no peace of mind bestowment
as dereliction drastic:
Pernicious plastic everywhere
in human, flora & fauna cells
in groceries, crops, soil & air
in oceans, lakes, streams & water wells
So kids, shall not be solved by smile
or in cute selfies implore
To be saved from a future vile
won’t work trying to ignore
Parents who do not want to change
is an intransigent force
who shall continue to derange
while say they love you of course
But as their conscience is elastic
their engagement be at best spastic
Tanklösheten svider
i klichéer som vissnar
dess logik förvriden
av intellekt som gnisslar
Våra känslor grummlas
likt senhöstens skrumpna ros
Likt handslag som fumlas
flyger närvaron sin kos
Ett liv levt bland oljud å larv
efterlämnar ett sorgligt arv
“Titta här, min lilla skatt
av din frikostiga Mamma
får du en designer katt
som älskar dej meddetsamma!”
Ej övergivet djur på vår tröskel
som bäst att inte uppmärksamma
Vore bara barmhärtighetsfloskel
ej en dygd som vi bör anamma
Nej gunås, låt ej omtanke fresta
för själv ska jag så klart ha det bästa
From Reality divorced
what’s to hold on to in its place?
Fiction by elite endorsed
keeps being pounded in our face:
Their by rote repetitions
authoritatively sounding
arrogant admonitions
from morning til night us hounding
Crushing us Unwashed Masses huddled
over-entertained, tired befuddled
Withdrawn, detached at life’s end
in most wondrous isolation
Sweet as blessing Heaven sent:
bestows in stillness elation
In Life is yearned
emotions clarified
Speech not just well-turned
but by thoughts edified
We may enjoy life well-disposed
when isolation self-imposed