Humanity’s girth too ample for poor Earth

Earth’s oceans asphyxiated
planet terminally polluted
wearing out dilapidated
Human Race for poor Earth ill-suited

Wars rage without ceasefires
Farmland parched from drought
ever raging wildfires
gaining heightened clout

Bridges fall, deep potholes
oceans continue to rise
ice melts from heating poles
still doesn’t seem to make us wise?

But hey, can’t you see we’re busy
by high-tech haplessly dizzy!

Att leva i nuet

Tros Gud välvilligt rår
(såvitt Gud förmår)
mens mänskan ej förstår
så oftast försmår

Varför fundera, ängslas
om, eller ej, Världen består
när kan låta oss fängslas
av dagens kaffe med påtår?

Om bjudes därtill kanelbulle
lever vi i stunden full rulle!

Life of its Essence we’ve wrung

Watch our contrived smiles beaming
flooding the feigned community
see our well-brushed teeth gleaming
All relished with impunity

With entitled importunity
we’re elbowing in fake freedom
for abundant opportunity
like found in erstwhile Yankeedom

But Life’s Essence has since been wrung
what we stand for a song unsung

Yankeedom = Encompassing the entire Northeast north of New York City and spreading through Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota