Anspråk på ordspråk

Ordspråket “Borta bra men hemma bäst” är välkänt. Här föreslår jag ett nytt:

Att “borta bäst men hemma mest”
påstår sej veta vettvillingen
nu i fängsel efter arrest
sedan han stal köpeskillingen

Att göra ordspråk
även när syns förvrängt
ett brukligt anspråk
vem vet, ej så befängt?

Så kanske vi alla lätt bifaller
om ‘hemma’ menas bak grova galler?

My day’s highlights

Comes dawn am wakening up
next to my wondrous wife
then sipping first coffee cup
still spared from thoughts of strife

At nighttime reading in bed
til nodding off, dropping the book
vigor to stay awake shred
dropping off to sleep in our nook

Fleetingly these life’s highlights
shields my heart from what benights


Sweetie, I’m on my phone

Strolling, of their kids inattentive
parents seen glued to their smart phones
Swept by insidious incentive
they’re performing, tech-prompted clones

whether dad or mom
acting out squirrelly
to calm any qualm?

while unseen kids glaring glum
pining for an heedful crumb

The ‘soaring’ 2020’s

How hastily they faded
the 1920s jaded!

Now roar the 2020s
optimism restoring
but in unequal plenties
with AI faith soaring

But hurricanes rage, forests burn down
with neo-Fascism on the rise
civil & economic breakdown
in cruelly volatile guise

Now misruled by kakistocracy
brought us humiliating lows
mired in horrific hypocrisy
to suffer unknowable throes

Anytime soon now The Free Fall
which we won’t be able forestall

1920’s = the ‘roaring twenties’ with its boundless optimism about the future