Screened fiends

Today’s fiends
downward leaning
gawk on screens
cyber preening

If suggested they be weaned
through an intervention
they’ll act aggrieved & demeaned
in glib circumvention:

“We must be left free to careen
hunched over with noses on screen!”


Åldras nu i ånger

Så skriver en gammal utlandssvensk:

Fast Sverige var lugnt å bra
sökte jag nått, gunås, pråligt
For som ung till USA
ett land så grällt å otåligt

Trots fattigdom å grymt våld
tror dess befolking landet glänser
En framtoning nu svårsåld
bortom egna landets gränser

Jag åldras nu i ånger
i kultur hänsynslös
Uttråkad av jargonger
min tid här syns själlös

Försent nu att lösa min dilemma
klart att som ung borde stannat hemma

Jaws jutting, postures strutting

While one cheats in golf putting
other flinged racket in tennis
indicative, off-putting
of their deadly menace:

Benito Mussolini
full blown fascist, brazen
‘Donito Trumpolini’
proto-fascist, phase-in

Their egos dysplastic
spur their speeches bombastic

Their jaws jutting
language crude
postures strutting
manners rude

Died in ’45, Benito
while Donald lacking circumspection
not even close to finito
so runs again for reelection

Because both such slickers
brash, ignorant & tacky
they attract boot lickers
minions in millions, wacky

-dysplastic = growth larger than normal
-golf, tennis = here: Don’s & Ben’s respective favorite sports


No rest until she scores the best

Again and again she looks
for what’s urgently ‘essential’
zero objections she brooks
then pours on efforts torrential

These things she’d ‘wanted forever’
and won’t fumble on follow through:
She pursues in all out endeavor
as been her custom hitherto

No hurdle shall stand in her way
allowing herself no rest
against peace of mind she’ll inveigh
until having scored the best