Har morgonstund ‘guld i mund’ eller endast ‘guldfärg tunn’?

Stiger upp med torr mun
efter natt sömnlös
Gryningen ljusnar tunn
omgivning formlös

Kastade sej till morgonstund
fann de svårt att lägga band
har väl knappast sovit en blund?
Men nu mobilen i hand …

… fick morgonstund ‘Guld i Mund’
helt älskvärd i välfärd
Det tog endast en sekund
från ofärd å irrfärd!

Få känna sej återförenad
inte längre vara förmenad!

Tempus fugit

Time, it’s being said, ‘flies’
passes too quickly
or rather perhaps ‘flees’
cowardly prickly?

For where’s Time when we need more
what’s the story on that score?

Watch that Tempus
as it ravages
in fierce tempest
as it savages:

Possesses our minds
us humans mocks
Time never rewinds
like our own clocks

So just ‘fugit about it’
there exist no loopholes
We may sit in the cockpit
but not at the controls!

-tempus fugit = usually time ‘flies’ but seems rather ‘flees’?
-‘fugit’ about it = here: forget about it

Why heed the prophets of profits above all?

There’s diminishing return
of consumer technology
such as not enough concern
how it bashes ecology

Still its shares go eruptive
moving rapidly to the fore
glorified as ‘disruptive’
forcing others to close their door

Of what merit ‘automation’
when leaves many unemployed?
Of what value ‘innovation’
when communities destroyed?

So why then do we heed the prophets
who create havoc most for profits?!

-disruptive = here: new technology or business models that put others out business; currently used as a term of gushing admiration without voicing much concern of social justice, jobs etc

Chastened I’ll be all right

At this closing stage of Life
I’ve come to realize
it all turned too rife with strife
but need to emphasize

until this time
I’d been distracted
Had seemed just ‘fine’
barely impacted

Following such insight
denial was history
Chastened, I’ll be all right
embracing Life’s mystery!

no longer can I continue to flout
that distraction but fleetingly works out


When lacking the courage to understand

His life has all but run its course

indulging in shallow cant
hid in wryness from his Norse source
Housed high hopes but findings scant

He had thus subconsciously yearned
for where pure fantasy holds its sway
Made poor use of what little learned
while boasts boisterously in brash bray

He’ll witlessly wander in No Man’s Land
when lacking the courage to understand

-cant = (not confused with: can’t) hypocritical and sanctimonious talk, typically of a moral, religious, or political nature
-no man’s land = here: a life not settled into due to fear or uncertainty



‘Facing’ (really, now?) the adverse by writing verse?

There’s no denying
ain’t about ‘what’ I write
when versifying
but ‘how’ I transcend plight

If thought of (at all) I’ll be judged
not by my strophes of verse
on whether some rhymes crisp or smudged
but how I face the adverse

Easy to smile when life seems child’s play
a lot harder when hope spins astray

Bluebells chime in Spring

Ethereal Bluebells
aren’t on human time
When wondrous Springtime knells
soundlessly they chime

Most faint winds stir them at will
unruffled, uncaptured
unstintingly poised they thrill
We’re embraced, enraptured

Springtime’s soul
breathes through Bluebells
takes no toll
all anguish quells

Bluebells’ ineffable presence
flows unhurried through senescence

Dikt av vikt

Med förhoppning om insikt
förutan blir blott vers
ordskval utan tillförsikt
sån beklämmande pärs

En duglig dikt
bör ha vikt
fraser med svikt
utryckt chict

Men ej stoltsera med rygg oböjlig
för då kan du anses lite löjlig