‘Vincit qui se vincit’
a pursuit salutary
One for which requires grit
on steep road solitary
But ain’t Life’s only bestowment
one step in each fleeting moment?
-vincit qui se vincit = he conquers who conquers himself
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
‘Vincit qui se vincit’
a pursuit salutary
One for which requires grit
on steep road solitary
But ain’t Life’s only bestowment
one step in each fleeting moment?
-vincit qui se vincit = he conquers who conquers himself
Den stackars magen
ett trångt lager
där obehagen
ofta gnager
Uppsväld uti skärseld
kan magen värka
måhända i gengäld?
Måste väl märka:
Steken, en gång nöjd idisslande ko
finner den i gnisslande mage ro?
Visst funkar ekonomin
för rikas hjärtan iskalla
döva till de armas skrin
som för sina barn bönfalla
Är livet mest om profit
vem vet för oss alla?
I mänskors glupska aptit
lidelser skall svalla
Så vi får lov att ta i hårdhänta
eftersom vi ju är välförtjänta!
While close calamity
and perhaps perverse
trying for amity
be it just in verse
Crisp sentences custom made
(none lifted off the rack)
bring forth verbal serenade
that rises beyond yak
Still wouldn’t presume to impart verity
which these days too much of a rarity
yak = chatter
Searching for encouraging sparks
hoped-for bright lights of starkness
ambience like that of Denmark’s
but finding massive darkness?
Fast fading embers
false hollow hope
no one remembers
least the myope
Dreams of a loving utopia
long since turned shoving dystopia
Self-driven technology
becoming article of faith
dogmatic theology
while implementation the wraith
Letting automation thrive
as we watch, indulged til cockeyed?
While cars built as fun to drive
we’ll be along just or the ride!
Though would we not get relieved
wildly keeping on high-fiveing
when this techno-fix achieved
no one gets fined for drunk driving
While slack-jawed we praise high-tech as The Solution
aren’t there saner paths of human evolution?
Han är nog en
‘skål å hej!’ lymmel
som till krogen
en annan lämmel
När förhoppningar går skeva
som flyr in i berusningen vrå
klarar ej i ångest leva
men kanske ej så svårt att förstå?
Tills en dag så snart det börjar skymma
känner sej tvingad till krogen rymma?
nature herself is cruel:
Watch that sweet bunny
happy, hopping around
It’s warm and sunny
Growl! By predator ground!
While a human who is carnivore
may have a good deal to answer for
ground = here: between the teeth of a predator
To be spared from finding
days mostly a bore
that tedious grinding
we’d like to ignore!
To be freed from those churnings
(without guilty blushing)
of inadequate earnings
instead blithely gushing:
lulled on the waves of the Internet
letting us caught in its vast driftnet
driftnet = a vast, floating ‘catch-em-all’ fishing net
Någon udda känsla
flyktiga grunda tankar
när tvehågsen grensla
aldrig få kasta ankar
Om vi eftersträvar sans
bör vi nog besinna
att varje tillfällig chans
skall närhelst försvinna
Bäst att andas ut fantasins luft
å andas in vardagens förnuft