Meet life’s fool, hubristic & often the victim

Be that as it may here’s to those of us who may be lacking in self-awareness. How & when shall we know? Well, here obviously lies the problem: Only after we acquire some self-awareness.

Meet Life’s Fool
thinks he’s cool
Such jewel
lets us drool

Sillily, grinning
he’s on a tear
“For sure, yeah, winning!”
confident cheer

He saunters, skipping
down the boardwalk:
“Who’s tripping, slipping
talk of cakewalk!”

Then walks on to the pier
thinks “No one hotter
I’m the guy to revere
walking on water!”

In Summer sun’s bright glare
all blindingly clear
embraced by fawning air
“I’m untouched by fear!”

“No way I’m compromising
got it all handled, thanks!”
His eyes fixed on horizon:
so he walks off the planks!

Wild curses from waves below
indignant voice in snort:
“How was I supposed to know?
Who built the pier too short?!”

A Nation tripped up on its shortcuts

Surely you have noticed how many pedestrians insist on crossing busy streets diagonally after not being bothered walking to an adjacent street corner or crosswalk? Behavior that puts others at risk be damned if we can save a few steps – even absurdly so when out walking or running for exercise!

Not in this Homeland Star Spangled
crossing streets, or at corners
do we ever walk right-angled
That’s for rigid foreigners!

In ‘One Nation under Shortcuts’
diagonally we proudly cross
whether for dire needs or donuts
We’re, as freedom lovers, our own boss!

We dash out between parked cars
into the busy street
without a ‘look left-right’ pause
with nose on screen or eat!

Except when marching off martially
poor small weakly armed nations to mangle
which is done globally, most harshly
Then our troops turn smartly in right angle!

Tills en vacker dag, tjo!

På frimodighet snuvad
trött på allt tjat å bråk
av själva Livet kuvad
slumrar i torftig kåk?

Men har vi en stark tro
så bara å gno
för en vacker dag: Tjo
in i Himlens Zoo!

Tills dess kan vi tvivla
helst inte förtvivla …

-zoo = här: ett ställe befolkat av ett urval av förtjänta f.d. jordbor

Detouring in distraction

In our earthly lives cruelly bechanced
of unremitting suffering
we chase after stuff & fun romanced
as Reality buffering

How we race & rush
but does it really work
while we grin & gush
like if some clueless jerk?

Still we try detouring in distraction
which remains our major daily action!


Snappily we yack & yap

Under Internet’s spell
we snappily yack & yap
away on our crisp cell
Heedless of that it’s a trap:

All those on-screen ad clones
pretend they us adulate
while noses on smart phones
from Life us alienate

We’ll come to regret the barren blight
on what seems a ‘safe connection site’!

-‘safe connection site’ = alludes to ‘safe injection site’ where addicts can ‘safely’ shoot up


Rusas det ut hagalen
var morgon genom svalen?

För oss konsumtionsrubbade
hjälper ej mer fantasi
Så för nerver avtrubbade
sök verklighetsterapi!

Kan ej läka uttröttad synaps
med ny grej, om än sköljs ner med snaps

konsumtionsrubbad = (påhitt) sinnesrubbad som resultat av överkonsumption

Bortom den larmande hjorden

Han syns en klurig filur
svårt urmodigt facil
som tjatar på om kultur
andas utan mobil

Bortom den larmande hjorden
knastrar knaprigt hans kväden
där han finner ro i orden
likt vindens sus i träden

Vore han jämt ute på ivrig spaning
om trodde sej ha en nåtsånär aning?


Varligt torkas morgondis
från grynings ögonvrår
trätoppar svajar i bris
tills sommardagen rår

Dess stillhet outgrundlig
i fullkomlighet stundlig