In human commotion
the fledgling thought crisp & clear
soon blurred by emotion
tears us between hope & fear
That’s why saved-by-the-bell distraction
shall always hold such sweet attraction
Not Poetry. Quatrain Verse in English & Swedish. Dagsverser. On the Mundane & the Arcane.
In human commotion
the fledgling thought crisp & clear
soon blurred by emotion
tears us between hope & fear
That’s why saved-by-the-bell distraction
shall always hold such sweet attraction
and melting down in glower
let’s hang back & closely observe
the gentle limber flower:
Allow her abiding stillness
to squelch our contentious shrillness
When keen to propose a solution
our pitch splendidly articulated
with cliches in such crisp locution
by own idea intoxicated
But a fantasy cure-all
shiny but shortsighted
superficial with much gall
impotent, benighted
Hence just one more ‘pretend solution’
assured to fail in execution
Eyes locked on that Holy Grail
til death: Entertainment!
Gladly we’ll go off the rail
chasing its obtainment
Lessons dismissed, thus unlearned
Can’t pull back from the fray
repeated hangovers spurned!
So here’s another day:
to pursue that noble endeavor
of being entertained forever!
When we were youngster or child
woke up from deep sleep delicious
by morning embraced beguiled
finding early dawn propitious
‘Come to’ now from sleep shallow
tiresome dreams repetitious
imagery scuffed & sallow
perplexing flashbacks pernicious
Since have gotten old
know no mornings bold
Whether blatant or demure
enticingly ardent
glistens feminine allure
perfectly in guardant
Watch how sprightly us men prance
nudged by a woman’s charm
a lovely lingering glance
rarely fails to disarm
When women stare men shall wither
once locked on women don’t dither
Some time ago Yana, our neighbor, emailed that “in these mean dark times my energy is momentarily diverted into a self-administrated, complete pedicure. For now I’m bettering the world one shiny toenail at a time.”, which inspired this verse:
In moral grime
election slime
among war crime:
She’s right on time!
In these mean dark days
she keeps hope ablaze
cutting through the haze
our Yana allays
Items unfurled
Rosy toes curled
A pedicure
nail by nail.
No sinecure
much travail!
Got wrongs to abolish
with elegant polish
Yana standing tallish
Evil to demolish!
Skimp on the logic
Renege on the contract
Clasp view myopic
Briskly spout poppycock
Ignore blatantly
Engage in double talk
Hurl impatiently
Persist tenaciously
Decide capriciously
-fact = as in ‘factual evidence’ – to be ignored when perceived as standing in our way
Pladask i anemoia
näsan i geggamoja:
Fast fasligt nedstämt, nåja
kännes vemodstrånad.
Värre så: Anemoia
svart å vitt å lånad.
Varför i mörkret treva
i fantasins smörja
förtäras bland det skeva
sen falska ting sörja?
Varför svamla om de gamla
när dagen vill oss omfamna?
anemoia = nostalgi (vemodstrånad) över vad som aldrig existerade
As nostalgia torments
in downpour mistfully
then anemoia augments
in dankness wistfully
Yearnings seize us listfully
churning in eerie whistle
Longings languish fistfully
pounce in zinging sizzle
But why to murky feelings abide
when today awaits saddled to ride?