Hapless at their mercy, reduced to smile & curtsy

Those hectoring, obscure scenes:
don’t know a single nut or bolt
behind those crisp shiny screens
against which hopeless to revolt

Without an apology
the techno-fix is in
by latest frivolity
we cannot fix a thing

Large corporations with such ease
(we’re hapless at their mercy)
charges us hefty service fees
We’re left to smile & curtsy

Ours is not to understand how
but (whilst being scammed) acclaim ‘wow!’

Peace of Other Kind than found in Consumer Land

Does goods hawked with perky snappiness
by such breathless marketing fanned
bring us but material happiness
wandering in Consumer Land …

… as Peace of Mind ever vernal
must unceasingly be yearned
Grasped fleetingly, though eternal
cannot be bought, might be earned

Aren’t we hapless then shopping sheepishly
while the true price thereof piles steepishly?

Feet ‘cry ankle’

Here the expression of ‘cry uncle’ becomes ‘cry ankle’. Experienced after long days of sightseeing on foot in e.g. a major tourism city.

Our knees
both screech

Oy vey! oy vey! oy vey!
as feet ‘cry ankle’
Dawns yet another day
regrets shall rankle

But why dwell in an existence
where the major absorbing locus
is on bodily persistence?
Where’s the intellectual focus?

But until found ain’t it sadly obvious
that of such we just had not the foggiest

-oy vey! = (Yiddish) expression of dismay or hurt

Punishment or reward?

Life’s hilly road winds abstruse
sometimes circuitous
Of what befalls we’re obtuse
shall seem gratuitous

Perhaps fortuitously
not by divine keyboard?
Events evolve furtively
warnings often ignored

Aren’t we oddly innocent of what is untoward
as when what seemed ‘punishment’ later turns out ‘reward’?


Gone, gold button luster

General George Custer
died raiding, forlorn
Of no help his bluster
at Little Bighorn

Gone gold button luster
many men are dead
Peacock chesty Custer
what was in his head?

The hubristic quagmire:
even when not pierced by lance
the outcome sure & dire
of all empires’ arrogance


Vinden susar i träden
i svanesången
På sköna cykelfärden
knastrar grusgången

Bakom sensommarn smeksam
står hösten å lurar
väntar bortom vit björkstam
med kyliga skurar

Sommarns lek känns redan skenbar
Tid snart nu för höstens allvar

Misstar vi vårt självdaltande för förvaltande?

Självdaltandet förvilla
hejdlös vår fåvitskhet
vad vi lyckas förspilla
i ohämmad bryskhet!

I vår förlamande feghet
saknas klarsynthetens fasthet

Stackars planets otur
vår Konsument andtruten
på enveten åktur
bland reklam oavbruten

Låter vi oss inbilla
när som rusar runt rådvilla
att lyckan en lyxvilla
när allenast en synvilla?

Jagar vi det avdragsgilla
i rättfärdigad njugghet?
Beter oss som imbecilla
i omedveten blindhet?

Mens vår ansvarskänsla vilar vindstilla
seglas vi om av de omdömesgilla


Livsstöket sett från köket

Sitter nu som gammal
ensam i köket
sliten min själs fodral
efter livsstöket

I ungdom ointaglig
mens knäna nu svaga
ens mage obehaglig
duktig på att klaga

Har kört i samma spår
var dag in och ut
år efter snarlikt år
tills åren tar slut

Men om jag hade haft mer vett
kunde jag levt på annat sätt?