Self-centered all-out, blinded to all fall-out

We are on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
can it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected?

Leaving each other in the dust shamelessly
while we’re trying to hog it all, blamelessly!

Are we on a mission
self-centered, all-out
in blazing volition
blinded to fall-out?

That’s how the human neighborhood
by self-will been sent crashing
Who looks out for the common good
amidst all egos clashing?

Solidarity ignored
or even outright rejected
Will it ever be restored
when we’re scattered disconnected

Left each other in the dust shamelessly
while we try hogging it all blamelessly!